Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 5, 2022
I urge you to pray My beloved Rosary every day; I urge you to ask for the conversion of the whole world in your prayers, in your supplications, in your orations
Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy

The Holy Virgin appeared dressed all in resplendent white, with twelve sparkling stars around her head. Her Heart was exposed. Our Lady of the Reconciliation of Peace, Queen of the Blessed Garden, oasis of peace, little Fatima, refuge of the elect of the last times, after making the sign of the cross, smiling, said:
"Praised be the Name of Jesus . Dear children, I come to you sent by the Most Holy and Eternal Trinity to invite you to the Battle against Satan, against Lucifer, against the dark forces; I come to this holy place to ask for prayers, reparations, penances, fasting, sacrifices. I need many prayers, My children, to save humanity so far from God. This humanity is apostate, this humanity is rebellious to the Divine Warnings; it has turned away from the way of good, and has taken the way of evil. I urge you to pray My beloved Rosary every day; I urge you to ask for the conversion of the whole world in your prayers, in your supplications, in your orations... Entrust yourselves, entrust yourselves to My Heart, invoke My help, invoke My blessing, invoke My intercession; believe, believe in Me and you will have infinite graces."
The Blessed Virgin blesses us with the Sign of the Cross and disappears into the infinite light.
Source: ➥