Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, May 5, 2022
You Are Called to Love All, to Forgive All
Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy

The Virgin Mary appeared dressed in white with a golden mantle. She had twelve stars around her head, all shining. Smiling sweetly, She said:
"Praised be the Name of Jesus.
Dear children, I urge you to abandon yourselves completely to the Divine Will as you are. Trust fully in the intercession of My Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart before the Welcoming Heart of Merciful Jesus. You are called to love all, to forgive all. You are called to do all this in the Name of My Son Jesus the Eternal God, the One True Christ. I urge you to help the last, the neediest, the most suffering. Dear children, pray that the shadow of eternal perdition may move away from you. Pray that war may not break out. Pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen you in faith, hope and charity. Resume the Path of Faith and Prayer in a serious, decisive, strong and persevering way. Pray for the conversion of the whole world, for the conversion of poor sinners and the unity of the Church. Nourish your faith with novenas, supplications and devotions. Feel Me close to you. I am always with you, I bless you and give you My peace, My motherly light. It is essential that you pray for the conversion of poor sinners and that you are close to My Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart. Dear children, I bless you all in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit".
The Lady thanks us for the procession and urges us to bring small bottles of water to be blessed by Jesus Our King.
Chaplet to Our Lady of Reconciliation
At the beginning we say the Apostles' Creed, an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
On the beads of the Our Father is said:
O Virgin of Reconciliation hear us and intercede for us in Heaven with the Redeemer: to give us graces of healing and deliverance.
On the beads of the Hail Mary we say:
O Mary our Consolatrice, fill us with Thy Maternal Love and guide us on the Way of Thy Immaculate Heart.
The Message of the Archangel and Guardian of Mario Barachiel:
"Praise be to the Holy Trinity. God Reigns. God Loves. God Saves. Today, by the Divine Will, I give you a powerful instrument of graces and conversions, of deliverances and healings. In honor of Our Lady of Reconciliation and to ask for graces from Her Heart, you will pray this Chaplet in honor of the Apparition of the All Holy. On the beads of the Our Father you will say: O Virgin of Reconciliation hear us and intercede for us in Heaven with the Redeemer: to give us graces of healing and deliverance. On the beads of the Hail Mary you will say: O Mary our Consolatrice, fill us with Thy Maternal Love and guide us on the Way of Thy Immaculate Heart. You will receive infinite graces and help from Our Lady, the most beautiful Flower of Paradise. It is a great gift for the Little Flock of the Sacred Hearts. Honor, honor Holy Mary as the Virgin of Reconciliation, with this Chaplet, venerating Her Image and Statue, and invoking Her always, every day more, spreading Her Messages and Images. Give yourselves to Her. Offer your hearts to Her. She will fulfill you as the great Mediatrix of all graces. This Apparition of Brindisi is a great one, to be valued and loved. I am with you and I bless you."
The Archangel wore a water-green robe and had many flowers near his feet.
Source: ➥