Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Blessed Are Those Who Suffer Daily Martyrdom with Patience and Love!
Message Given by Our Lord Jesus for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul on September 23, 2023 to Reach the Heart of Every Man

Blessed are those who suffer daily martyrdom with patience and love!
My little confidant, today My gaze rests on suffering. The earth is covered with it.
Many times they do not understand the immense value of their pain, endured with patience, but You, My instrument, always explain it, tell them openly that he who suffers moral and physical evil, with patience and love, is a redeemer like Me!
This immense pain that grips the earth is not useless; it is not the work of God's cruelty, as My enemies say, but it is the way of salvation, it is the door that leads the whole human race to the great Happiness. Blessed are you who suffer and love Me! Blessed are you who suffer and are patient: your pain is a great prayer that rises to the Father and still sustains His Arm that must descend to punish the rebels. You who suffer, you will soon rejoice. You who weep, you will laugh happily, for I, God, love you; I welcome your tears as a welcome offering to Me.
Pain is very constructive: it is the greatest prayer when offered to Me. It is very difficult to suffer with love, but he who does so participates in the Merit of Me on the Cross, I offered My Martyrdom for Love, with Love. Blessed are you who suffer, blessed are you, because you build for yourselves and for your brethren a world of love! Do not envy the sinners who live comfortably and enjoy themselves. They take care of a body that will soon be taken away from them: they caress it and do not let it lack anything; for I, God, will cover them with purulent sores and they will be like lepers, repulsive to the sight! Then, when I accomplish this, to whom will they turn to be healed in their flesh? They will certainly invoke their idols, those whom they have worshipped, forgetting Me, but they have neither eyes nor ears; they can plead with them as much as they want: what answer can they give them? None, certainly! Then they will come to Me to be healed, to enjoy again the vain pleasures of the world. They will beg, but I will not listen to them: they will die in their wounds! But, if physical pain succeeds in opening their heart of stone, the suffering of the body will become salvation for the soul.
I am God: this is what I said and this I will do! Those who now live in pain, but have faith and hope in Me, know that soon, very soon they will be relieved of all pain: I, Myself will cleanse their body and heal their spirit. They will bless Me and live for Me: I will be their God and they will be My people. Within the time, which you already know, all the things I have announced to you will come to pass; there will be no more delay: the prophecies must be fulfilled without further delay!
As you can see, there is already very little left.
Let everyone take advantage to complete your process of spiritual maturity.
Source: ➥