Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 22, 2024
Be Fervent and Constant in Prayer!
Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael on January 16, 2024 at House Jerusalem to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

I see a large golden ball of light hovering above us in the sky. Next to the large golden ball of light floats a smaller golden ball of light to my right. The large golden ball of light opens and St. Michael the Archangel comes out of this golden ball of light and down to us. He holds His sword up to the sky. On the blade of the sword I see the words: "Deus Semper Vincit." (Translated: God always wins.) In His left hand, the archangel carries a shield with the words: "Quis ut Deus." St. Michael the Archangel wears a red cloak that falls over his left shoulder and is fastened on both shoulders with a round golden brooch depicting a cross. The hem of his cloak is embroidered with golden lilies. St. Michael is dressed in the colors white and gold. On His armor, on His breastplate, which is golden this time, I see a lily flower with seven white lily blossoms and a red lily blossom at the bottom, seen from my right. The lily pad thus comprises a total of 8 lily blossoms: seven white lily blossoms, the top three of which are closed, and a red open lily blossom at the bottom of the lily pad. St. Michael the Archangel wears a princely crown with a red ruby and golden Roman sandals tied to his leg.
The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:
"Quis ut Deus? Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Dear friends, you who ask for My friendship: I pray for you before the throne of the Lord! Be fervent and constant in prayer! Remain steadfast and faithful to the Holy Scriptures. Look, you are living in tribulation and the Church is also in tribulation. So I come to you from the throne of our Lord to give you instruction; to give you the Lord's blessing. Mary, the Mother of God, also prays for you. Her eyes and heart are filled with tears when She looks at Ukraine, at Russia, at America and Europe, at Palestine, Israel and everywhere where people are at war. Therefore, let your "yes" be a yes and your "no" a no. Love the Holy Scriptures, offer up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! Live in the sacraments, in sanctifying grace! This is how I have come to you today" (the archangel points to his breastplate). "Look, My armor, it bears the lily pad. The white lilies represent the purity of St. Philip Neri. Plant this lily bush! The red lily flower, you know what it stands for! St. Philip Neri also loved the blood of Christ, the blood of the martyrs. Remember, dear friend, I am the warrior of the Precious Blood of Christ!" As the archangel speaks of the Precious Blood of Christ, the ruby stone in the front of his crown lights up. The Holy Archangel Michael now offers me his left hand, on which the archangel is wearing a ruby ring. He offers me this hand with his ruby ring to kiss. This is a form of worship. However, not for the veneration of St. Michael the Archangel himself, but for the veneration of the Precious Blood of Christ, to which St. Michael the Archangel points us. The two oval rubies in the crown and ring represent the shed Precious Blood of Christ. This is how the archangel explained it to me. The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:
"Plant this lily and by the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ your wounds and hurts will be healed. The lily, said the King of Mercy, is the flower of forgiveness and purity. Especially in this time of confusion, it is so important that you have a pure heart! Therefore, make use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Confession. This sacrament leads you to heaven. Whoever eats and receives the Lord must not receive HIM unworthily! Consider this, dear friends. I come to you in friendship, because I love you! I love you as the Lord loves you, with all my devotion, as the Father loves you."
Now the little golden ball of light opens and from this light St. Joan of Arc comes down to us. She carries on her two hands the Holy Scriptures, the Vulgate, surrounded by white open lily flowers. I see the biblical passage 1 Corinthians, 10, 1 - 14.
St. Joanna speaks to us:
"Beloved children of the Lord, open your heart! The joy of the saints is great if you take upon yourselves the sacrifice of pilgrimage and travel to the shrine of St. Michael the Archangel. Look, He is here with you and after this pilgrimage He will give you special graces in this place, which He has asked from the Lord for you. Pray very much for the Holy Church! Pray very much for your countries! The time of sacrifice has come! It is important that you remain faithful to the Holy Scriptures, that you remain steadfast in the faith of the Fathers of Faith. No structural change will bring salvation. Only the change of hearts towards God, the open hearts of love, will be your salvation and will bring change to the whole earth! So praise God and glorify HIM! Give thanks to HIM, for HE comes to you as King of Mercy! His messenger, the Holy Archangel Michael, gives you His Word. Listen to the word of the Lord! Listen to the word of the archangel! The angels and saints pray for you at the throne of God, for the archangel will have to raise His sword. Remain faithful! God has His plan, beloved children of the Lord! Always remember this. Know what time you are in. But the grace of God will be given to those who want to accept it and this grace will be immense."
St. Joan of Arc bows before St. Michael the Archangel.
Now St. Michael the Archangel asks us to pray in Latin and we pray this prayer in Latin.
The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:
"I am with you, for you have listened to the word of My Lord! Quis ut Deus? "
M.: "I thank you with all my heart!"
The Holy Archangel Michael speaks to me that He will serve Holy Mass at the altar of His shrine during the pilgrimage. Now St. Michael the Archangel goes back into the light and so does St. Joan of Arc. St. Michael the Archangel speaks and blesses:
"Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit!"
St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc disappear.
This message is given without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please look at the Bible passage 1 Corinthians, paragraph 10, 1 - 14, mentioned in the message
1 Corinthians 10:1-14
Israel's history as a warning
1 I want you to know, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, all passing through the sea
2 and were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.
3 All of them also ate the same food given by God
4 and all drank the same God-given drink, for they drank from the life-giving rock that went with them. And this rock was Christ.
5 But God was not pleased with most of them, for he let them perish in the wilderness.
6 Now this was done as a warning to us, that we should not be overcome by greed for evil, as they were overcome by greed.
7 Do not become idolaters like some of them, for it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink; then they rose up to enjoy themselves.
8 Let us not commit fornication as some of them committed fornication. In those days twenty-three thousand people perished in a single day.
9 Neither let us put the Lord to the test, as some of them did, who were then killed by snakes.
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them murmured; they were slain by the destroyer.
11 But these things happened to them as an example for us, and they were written down as a warning to us who have reached the end of time.
12 Therefore let him who thinks he is standing take heed lest he fall.
13 No temptation has yet come upon you that will overtake a man. God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. He will provide a way out of temptation so that you can overcome it.
About idolatry and idolatrous sacrifices
14 Therefore, brothers, avoid idolatry!