Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 30, 2024
My Children, Pray, Pray, Pray More; Your Life Become Prayer O Children!
Message of Our Lady to Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy on March 26, 2024, On the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Her Apparition to Marco

My dear and beloved children, thank you for coming here in prayer. My children, we have walked, we have walked the road together, still we will walk, children, because I desire to bring you all to Jesus. My children, pray, pray, pray more; your life become prayer O children!
You see, today Her beloved angel is not served, it is Mary who blesses this meek instrument of Hers, it is Mary who addresses each of you through Her voice (*), just as through Her life She was an instrument and witness of God's Merciful Love.
My children, welcome Jesus into your lives, open your hearts, welcome His love and take Him into the world!
Beloved children, the world is moving further and further away from God, but you pray, pray children, pray, stay under My mantle; here under My mantle you are sheltered, you are protected.
Behold, beloved children, I thank you for coming here in prayer, I open My mantle and cover all My children everywhere scattered throughout the world who are in prayer with you, who are ideally united with you in prayer.
I bless everyone, My children, I bless from My heart those who are suffering, those who are living far from God's love. To all My motherly blessing! Oh children, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Oh My children, thank you for coming here, but before we say good-bye, shall we say together that prayer that by now I have made you learn all these years, shall we say it from the heart to Jesus? Eh children? Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I love You Jesus! Jesus!
I kiss you, I hold you to My heart. Ciao My children!
(*) As is customary Marco has the apparition of Our Lady who leaves him Her message and then transcribes it with the help of Her guardian angel.
In this extraordinary apparition those present heard from Marco's living voice the words that Mary was speaking.
Source: ➥