Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Once Again I Ask You for Prayer, Prayer for My Beloved Church, Prayer for This Increasingly Martyred World, Prayer for Peace
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of May 8, 2024

I saw Mother: She had a crown of twelve stars around Her head, a blue-green mantle reaching from Her head down to Her feet which barefoot rested on the world, Her dress was a soft pink with a gold belt around Her waist. Mother had Her hands clasped in prayer and between them a holy rosary beads, made as if of ice drops.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, I thank you that you have flocked to this call of mine, I love you children and once again I ask you for prayer, prayer for My beloved Church, prayer for this increasingly martyred world, prayer for peace. Daughter pray with Me.
I prayed with Mother then She took up the message again.
My children My heart is wounded, torn, ripped open by all those who betray Me, by those who deny Me, by My beloved and favorite children when they put their own selves in the place of God, when they forget their vows, by all those who blaspheme, by those who desecrate and deface the Sacred Body of My Son. My children, pray in reparation for all the sacrileges that are being committed, pray in reparation for the outrages, pray that men's hearts may be converted to God's love, that the Holy Spirit may transform hearts of stone into hearts throbbing with love, that men may allow themselves to be shaped by God's love. My children learn to love, learn to pray, learn to pause on your knees before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
I love you children, I love you.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.