Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Now, All Light Will Be Extinguished, Darkness Will Ravage the Souls of Those Far from God. Northern Lights Warn You of an Impending Catastrophe
Message from Our Lord Jesus and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 12, 2023

Repent O men, repent!!!
I await with love the awakening of your hearts, I await to have you Mine again, to hold you to My Chest, to give you of Me in peace and love.
Jesus, in His infinite Love watches over His children and directs them to His Holy Fold.
This is the hour of your choice O men, do not delay any longer, do not allow the Devil to seduce you with his falsehoods, remedy your life by returning to Life. Now, all light will be extinguished, darkness will ravage the souls of those far from God.
The northern lights warn you of an impending catastrophe.
God's wrath is about to come upon this perverse Humanity, drunk with Satan's poison, God is tired of seeing abomination among men.
My children, you do not want to repent, you still deny Me, ... you prefer Lucifer to Me! You are making the greatest mistake of your lives, you are giving yourselves over to Death!
Behold, I anticipate My intervention, ... Enough!
My Prophets continue their mission in Me, for your salvation.
I hear the lament of My Prophets, exhausted in their struggle against Satan. They stand faithful to Me, longing to re-embrace their Father, loving their Creator God, longing to enter the New Age.
Ah, how much pain, My children! How much pain in you: I relive My Calvary, My Passion, in you, you are My comfort, thank you for your fiat in totus tuus, to Me.
My blessed children, just a little more and all will be renewed in Me. Go forward with courage, trust in Me, sing a new song to your King, He comes to take you into Himself.
Glorify your God with your lives, O men, it is no longer time to invest in earthly things, ... Heaven is opening to you.
Prepare yourselves! Pray! Provide for the healing of your spirit, do not forget that you are children of God, return to Him, prepare for your encounter with Him, lighten the load of your sins, purify yourselves.
The lightness of the soul, ... is your health!
God the Father:
My beloved children, it is your Father in Heaven who is now speaking to you, calling you back to Himself, with so much Love. He is waiting for you to give you to enjoy Himself.
A new Era faces this Humanity, God's people will enjoy His benefits, God's creature will enter new to inhabit a new world in the eternal jubilation of Love.
Tremble hardened hearts, this is your hour.
Source: ➥