Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
My Children, My Beloved Children, I Love You Immensely
Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and St. Raphael the Archangel to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Italy on May 12, 2024 during Prayer Meeting

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.
My children, My beloved children, I love you immensely, when you pray I open My arms to such an extent that I envelop all, even those who do not always take refuge in My immaculate heart, which is always ready to welcome every one of My children, who repents, who returns to the fold, I pray and wait with open arms for your return. My children, the world despises pure love, replacing it with the pleasures of the flesh, man wants to live only to please himself, in this way Satan is leading many souls to hell, for he tempts them to the end. Pray, pray, pray, for prayer can change everything. It can stop the wrath of God the Father Almighty, it can pity the Heart of God the Father Almighty, but this evil makes you forget, giving you distractions in the world, satisfactions that do not lead you to joy, I, your Mother wish to give you joy, true joy, the joy that makes you shine in any suffering. In difficulties you must pray, you must not ask for help humanly, only with prayer and humility will your path be paved.
My children, today is a very important day, that is why I desire that you give Me your prayers, so that Heaven can reveal to you the secrets of Heaven, that is what My daughter Lucia of Fatima called them , the secrets of Heaven, She fulfilled My will, Her life was not easy in this world, in the Church where they knew Her they know it, but the world does not understand this.
On May 12 of the year when Lucia was officially Consecrated by the Church, for Her it was a day of great suffering, being one of them made her suffer so much, and every day she carried this burden with her, even though she knew it was My will.
That day she prayed intensely, she was very conflicted, she wanted to leave the convent, I appeared to her, together with the Archangel Raphael, to Him I gave the task of showing the right way, so that My daughter Lucia would overcome this obstacle. Today the Archangel Raphael will tell you about the dialogue He had with My daughter Lucia. The Archangel Raphael is already here, and He is about to speak to you.
Brothers, sisters, may Lucia be a guide and teaching to you, on how to carry the Cross in this life, She always carried with her the image of the Lord, of the Son of God, she knew she was chosen, she knew she was unique, many times the weight on Her shoulders could not make Her walk as She should, but She was in the grace of Mary, His Mother.
In the apparition, the room was dark, but all of a sudden it was illuminated with Our light, I said to Her: Lucia open your eyes, look at Your Mother, Her face weeps, may Her suffering also be Yours, carry Her face in Your heart, sorrow unites You with Her, Your tears will save many souls, Your heart already knows.
She said to Me: I do not want to disappoint Our Lady, but My heart grows heavy. I said to Her: Thy heart is dragging the sufferings of many souls for whom Thou art responsible, Lucia Thou wilt complete what was written about Thee. Come closer I want to lay My hand on Your heart, from today You will carry out more strongly what has been established, even to Francisco I laid My hand on His heart while He was dreaming.
Why are you crying Lucia? She said to Me: I miss the voice of My cousins.
I said to Her: They are Your greatest strength, and this You know. Lucia Your name will be an example to the whole world, they will pray to You and invoke You, they will ask for Your help, continue to walk the path that has been assigned to You and You will save in the future many, many souls, even those who have already lost them, to the Father nothing is impossible.
She said to Me: sometimes I see fragments of souls falling into the flames, I suffer because I know what it means, but here, in this place, I cannot do more.
I said to Her: Lucia, You are here by God's will, Your name will resound beyond these walls, Your sufferings will one day come to light, and many, many will learn from You. Lucia at that moment began to pray, but fell down from exhaustion, she had been with Us for many hours without realizing it.
Brothers, sisters, the life of Lucia is one of the great wonders of God on this earth, you also respond to His call, carry aloft the name of His Son, the One who died for each of you, and who will give you eternal life, draw near to Him in order to receive it.
The next day of that apparition, My daughter Lucia was taken by Archangel Raphael to the Cova, for a few minutes, He showed Her what He had accomplished God the Father Almighty through His sufferings, and from that moment Lucia became much stronger, She needed this strength, because the trials that awaited Her were even greater.
We will speak to you again soon, because many things were written by My daughter Lucia, but destroyed by the Church, because what was happening to My daughter Lucia in the convent brought them too much fear, not wanting to submit to the will of God the Father Almighty, they preferred to destroy some writings that We will reveal to you, and they will be disclosed and confirmed, with great signs that We will give all over the world, and especially in Fatima, in the Church where the bodies of My daughter Jacinta and My son Francisco were laid to rest.
My children, Fatima is a secret for the whole world, and you are the bearers of My message, try to understand the importance of this.
I love you, I love you, I love you and I know that you love Me too. Now I must leave you, give you a kiss and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.