Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
I Ask You for Prayers for All Those Consecrated Persons Who Are Trampling the Body and Blood of My Beloved Son
Message from the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on May 13, 2024, the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima

Dear children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts.
My children, I ask you for prayers for all those consecrated persons who are trampling the Body and Blood of My Beloved Son with offenses and heresies. This will bring grave consequences especially for the faithful who are being lost.
My children, the Church is foundering in a sea of heresies against God. But I will help and throw out the oars for those who want to be saved instead, acknowledging My One God. There are no gods or other signs that can take the place of God, and that is why My Son will not give them Mercy, but will shout with all His Justice.
You, My children, be united in prayer and remember that there is no human being who can destroy God's Work...go forth in Truth!
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Many graces will rain down today!
Your Mother of Fatima
The Mother of the Church, invites us to pray always for the Bride of Christ. Today especially for her consecrated ones, her ministers who are the dispensers of the Lord's Grace through the Sacraments. Let us pray for so many of them, who perhaps, without realizing it, following "modernist theologies" and "false ecumenism" trample "with offenses and heresies the Body and Blood" of Jesus, thus diverting "the boat of the Church" toward a sure shipwreck, and making themselves sharers in the loss of so many souls, which they will have to account to God. This is why our Blessed Mother becomes for us "the Anchor of Salvation," on which we must cling our lives, "tossed about" by the stormy sea of the world, only in this way could we save ourselves. Therefore, let us not be "attracted" by the theological fads of the time, which propose the search for other gods and the replacement of the One God. Jesus will use Mercy toward those brothers and sisters who repent, but He will equally use His Justice toward those who intend to lead humanity to perdition. Let us always remain united in prayer, for God's Works will always go forward with difficulty, but miraculously.
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