Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Earth Slows Its Rotation, Soon It Will Stop, for a Few Moments It Will Stop and Man Will Go Mad with Fear
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 31, 2025

Here I am to you, beloved daughter, we have come to the end of an old time, the cycle closes with a great sign in the sky.
My children, I, your Creator Father, come to announce to you the New Era, the time of beauties in God. It is long since I have been waiting for your repentance to welcome you into My New World where everything will be in Me.
The squares of the world, shortly, will be full of blood, fratricidal warfare is going on, man, in his madness, is advancing without scruples, killing his brothers, making booty of them for his wealth.
Greed is becoming greater and greater, terrible is the hardness of hearts in many men.
Beloved children, abandon the things of the world and take refuge in My Sacred Heart, the hour of our meeting has come, God will examine your conscience and put you before a choice: ...stay with Him or continue on the path of perdition following Lucifer.
The earth is slowing down its rotation, soon it will stop, for some time it will stop and man will go mad with fear.
These are the last hours to live in this world, so as you know it, before long everything will be transformed.
Stick to My rules, O men, lest you die crushed by Satan's claws.
...I saw new heavens and new earth!!!
...I was given to see life in Life!
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh, will reveal Himself to mankind in human form, manifest Himself in His magnificence, and all will see Him.
Prepare your hearts, O men, let them be in purity that God may have the joy of taking you with Himself.
Black clouds are gathering in the sky, there will be unprecedented precipitation. A great hurricane is coming, take cover by consecrating yourselves daily to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.
Pray and fast from the things of the world, you are about to see things that your Fathers would have liked to have known.
I love you.
God the Father.
Source: ➥