Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Saiyan, BS, Italy

Evening by 9pm
Peace to you, dear children, peace!
Little children of mine, once again I am here to bless you. I ardently desire to lead you on the safe path that leads to Heaven. You want to go to Heaven, my children? Then pray, pray a lot, and change your life, deciding once and for all for God. God, my children, is the glory of all heaven, He is the life for your lives, the light for your eyes, the peace for your hearts that too often allow themselves to be afflicted by the sorrows and trials that arise on their journey in this world.
I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, I am your Immaculate Mother who loves you so much. Help me to lead a great number of my children along the path that leads to Salvation, where my Son Jesus is. Help me, my children, help me. Be announcers of God's love and peace in the world.
The world is seriously wounded by the wound of sin, and only through many prayers and sacrifices will you be able to help so many of your brothers and sisters who are in darkness.
I have come from Heaven because I am determined to lead each one of you, without ever tiring, to Jesus. I am the Mother who cares for your salvation, my children. Listen to my appeals. Accept my invitations to conversion.
This is the time that the Lord is working great wonders for the salvation of the world. This is the time when Heaven comes to the rescue of men who have forgotten God. This is the time that God still grants mankind for their conversion, because afterwards it will be the time of weeping and gnashing of teeth, and many will lament for their life without God.
Take my appeals seriously and make them known to all my children. I desire to comfort my afflicted and suffering children. I desire to cherish them all, to place them within my Mother's Heart. I desire for all to know the great love of God that heals and renews everything. How many are those who are being destroyed by sin and the devil. Come closer to me, your Mother, come closer to me, your Mother, and I will cover you with my mantle and protect you from all evil. Be obedient children to my calls. This is what I wish for you. This is what I desire for all humanity: obedient children of God who welcome his holy words and put them into practice.
I tell you that the world will be transformed very soon. Humanity will go through difficult times, but those who live my calls should fear nothing. But woe to those who do not listen to the Lord's calls: they will be taken by surprise when the secrets are revealed and when the forces of nature are shaken, and the earth will be shaken as never before in the history of mankind, but this will only be the beginning of great events. Pray, pray, pray, and the blessing and protection of the Lord will always be with you. To all of you my special blessing, for you, for your families, and for all humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
A Gen 2:14-17
Isaiah 38:16-20
Isaiah 40:6-8
Isaiah 41:8-12
Zech 3:7
Isaiah 41:17-18
Ecclesiasticus 10:3