Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Your life takes place here and not in the cyber world!
- Message No. 409 -

I love all children very much. They are your future and you must protect them! Keep everything away from them that does not come from God and fight against the doctrine of evil, because he takes advantage of the smallest. Don't you see it?
Stop teaching sex in your schools and teach the word of the Lord! Whoever knows the word of the Lord will live his sexuality according to His word!
Stop Satan and his madness! He leads your children to perdition and that in a direct way!
Stop everything that distracts you from God and do not go into the hollow cyber world. It is dangerous for small and big, because you are kept on the surface, away from the real life!
You must turn around and find your way back to the true values of life, because your life takes place here and not in the cyber world of games and distractions and also not on TV and Playstations and is by far more than sex and money and power!
Who doesn't know God anymore, doesn't have his son as a friend, lives in the devil's prison! Only he doesn't see it that way, because the distractions are seductive, but the soul suffers!
Break out! Find the Lord! And live your life with Jesus! Only HE will free you from the clutches of Satan and give you true joy and love.
Take My word to heart, because you are going towards the downfall! Only Jesus will give you eternity! Whoever does not convert to Him will be lost.
I, your Saint Josep de Calassenç, tell you, because I care very much.
Source: ➥