Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 14, 2014
It is the holiest time of your year!
- Message No. 519 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely in the love of the Lord.
Let yourselves, My beloved children, fall into His loving arms, be cradled in His security and care, and be flooded and enveloped by His Divine Love!
My children. Jesus is there for you! He leads you! HE guides you! HE loves you! And HE longs for you, your love, your YES to HIM! Give your love, your prayers and give yourselves completely to HIM, your Jesus, in this so graceful time!
The Heavenly Graces are great, but soon the demons of Satan will roam the earth a million times. So take advantage of these wonderful days and give yourselves completely to My Son! The graces that are given to you now will strengthen you! Use this time to be completely there for Jesus, to love Him, to honor Him and to feel His passion with Him!
My children. It is the holiest time of your year, so leave earthly pleasures, purify yourselves, repent, confess and be totally there for Jesus, with HIM in love and compassion. So be it.
With great love and thanksgiving, your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥