Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
More and more discord the devil tries to sow in the hearts of Our loving children!
- Message No. 667 -

My child. My dear child. More and more discord the devil tries to sow in the hearts of Our loving children to harvest strife, to harvest anger, to harvest wrath and so destroy the hearts and the unity of these children. You must stand against it and go deep into prayer.
Pray, ask, plead for unity in your families, your parishes and communities, your churches, your schools, your governments, countries, continents and for peace in the world and in the hearts of all God's children.
My children. My Son is there for you, HE is waiting and expecting you, and HE loves you! Therefore trust in HIM and entrust everything to HIM! He will be there and heal all your wounds and injuries, and peace and lightness will come into your hearts. Thus the devil cannot come near you, and discord and pain must give way, for the love of My Son is stronger than anything the devil has to offer.
So come completely to My Son! Be completely with HIM! Stay with HIM! Stay always with HIM and faithful to HIM! Then the devil cannot take a place in you, because the love of Jesus dwells in you and lives in you and is stronger than all intrigues, evil deeds and attacks of the evil one!
My children. Be completely with My Son and seek -if you can- our Holy Places! Pray before the Blessed Sacrament and be ready at all times, for we call you by day and by night. We will guide you, so do not make plans! We ask you for sacrifice and prayer, but you must be completely with Us, trusting in Us, so that you may perceive Our call and live completely according to the Lord's Providence and Will. Amen.
My children. With deep love, your Holy Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "The time is short that remains to you, so prepare yourselves and be ready at all times, for My Son will come to grant you a new chance, and for this you must be prepared and not cling to earthly goods. I, your Father in Heaven who loves you, ask this of you, for if you do not repent and find your way to Jesus, the last days on earth will be hard for you, and at the end of the time that is now coming soon, your soul will be lost.
So confess, My children, and find to Jesus, My Son, because HE is the WAY to ME, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much, and without HIM you will not find to Me.
Confess yourselves and recognize the truth!
Your loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen."
--- "The devil is setting out for his last moves. So pray, My children, so that you will not be lost, forever denser are the lies he weaves, ever greater the confusion he sows, ever easier to walk the false paths he offers you, and ever greater the abyss that hides behind all his cunning, his tricks and his misdeeds.
Find to the Son, because only HE is your way out of lies, aberrations and wrong ways! Only HE cuts the nets that the evil one has spread for you! So come to HIM, to your Jesus, and become one with HIM! Thus your soul will not be lost. And great will be your joy when you finally recognize the truth.
I, an angel of the Lord from the 7 choirs, tell you. Amen."
Source: ➥