Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
The Image of the Holy Family

The Image of the Holy Family
A wonderful blessing of the house
A blessing for the world
About the origin of this wonderful picture:
A person took a picture of a priest during the holy consecration. When developing the film, to his great surprise, the image of the Holy Family appeared.
Because of a doubt of the authenticity of this statement, one sent the photos to Italy near Rome to have it examined by a gifted person. The answer received was that the picture was truly authentic. When asked where the picture came from, Jesus said: "It is not important where and from whom it comes. Let no one take credit. With this image I want to bring help to the world..." He highlights: "It is the family of Nazareth. It is very precious to bring to the families; it brings MY blessing. With it comes faith, prayer and MY presence. I MYSELF come into the house with it..."
More than 3 years ago, Our Lady had already shown the visionary of PREPARATION, Maria to the Divine Preparation of Hearts, a picture of the Holy Family (with Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus) in the context of the private messages sent to her at that time for her preparation, and had put it in her heart to place everything under the Holy Family. Her gaze was drawn to this image and following an inspiration, Maria for the Divine Preparation of Hearts chose this for the site.
Private message from the Lord and Mary to Maria for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
A reply to doubters of the legitimacy of the visionary
My child, My dear child. You have been Our chosen soul since 2002 to lead other souls on the path to God the Father, the Most High.
You have been prepared for a long time, you have had to "live through" many, many things, and now you have arrived at the level of understanding and passing on Our Word and Our intention.
We need you for the spreading of Our Word and therefore have asked you again and again over all these years to write down everything that We tell you, what We show you.
Again and again you have written down something over all these years. Prayers We have passed on to you. One of them you are making known now, after many years, because you have always waited for Our very clear and definite instruction.
(see also message no. 21 with prayer no. 1)
None of what you have written is from you. It is OUR word. Whoever does not believe in it, whoever doubts it, and whoever seeks justifications against Our Word, which We entrust to you for dissemination, harms himself.
Do not seek to justify your non-belief. You too will realize that this, Our Word, is true and that this, Our child, is chosen by US to spread it. Believe in these messages and pass them on too, for the more children of God learn of them, the more souls can be saved.
Tell this, My beloved child, to those who doubt the authenticity of these messages. That's all you have to do.
Whoever does not want to hear Us, let him close himself, but do not think You, who close yourself to the truth, would have the right to dispute others their faith. Be silent and do not sin against others.
My beloved child, My beloved daughter....and use it as an answer to doubting questions. That is all you need to say.
Let everyone be free to believe what he wants to believe and what not. Whoever does not want to hear Us, whoever does not want to come to Us, will not be forced. We respect the free will of every soul, because free will is a gift from My Father, God Most High, and must be preserved.
Your loving Jesus and your loving Mother in Heaven.
His Holiness Pope Paul VI has confirmed on October 14, 1966 the Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the promulgation of the Faith (Acta Apostolicae Sedis No. 58/16 of December 29, 1966) that allows the publication of writings concerning the supernatural manifestations even if these writings are not approved by the “nihil obstat” of the Ecclesiastic Authorities.