Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In the morning.

Jesus speaks through His humble instrument Anne during the retreat in Wigratzbad from October 16-19, 2007.


Jesus says: My beloved retreatants, you have all been called by Me to participate in these days. - He is a priest called and pleasing to Me. What I love in him is the perfect priestly attire. This means that he has turned away from the world to serve Me in his apostolate. He has consecrated himself to My mother. My mother has taken him by her hand and will form and guide him. Angels will surround him and protect him. He has dedicated himself to evangelization and follows Me on this stony path. He proclaims My truths in his talks.

Beloved children, open your hearts wide so that I, Jesus Christ, may enter into you and let a deep and intimate love flow into you. My beloved priest son has the firm will and resolution to pass on My love. It is not easy for him either to withstand the storms of this time. The hostilities do not stay away. One tries to keep him from his task. He asks for my strength, because he wants to continue the stony path in all consistency. Take him as your example. Remain with his lectures in my spirit and draw from these sources.

You too remain in my love, because only then your way will be easier and more steady. I am with you every day. Then, when you feel nothing, I am especially close to you, because your longing is to become more conscious and greater. I would like to hold dialogue in your hearts. Take me into your midst, because I want to illuminate and warm your hearts as a ray of light even in dark days.

Accept your sufferings and sicknesses, because I want to make many people repent through your sacrifices. Let go of your sins. Forgive each other and accept the other as he is with all his weaknesses. You yourselves have to deal with your weaknesses and mistakes. Work on yourself, then I can help you. Your Jesus sees you in your effort. No sacrifice and no prayer is lost. Be willing instruments in My hand and the hand of your caring mother. No earthly mother can act like her. So sensitive and gentle she prepares you for My new time and church. Rejoice that you are among the chosen ones. Acts in responsibility for the weak who have been caught up in grave sins.

I remain a secret to you. Place your honest trust in me. You will not be measured by your progress, but you shall grow by your failures. Practice fidelity and steadfastness.

You have received the Holy Spirit Pass it on without fear. Then you will be inspired in inner rejoicing to pass on my truths and to live. Live the grace of firmness. It is a divine gift.

Receive My Holy Sacrament of Penance often, for you are the ones who make My Holy Blood liquid for many who need repentance. Believe and trust, because faith is not seeing, but clinging to my mystery.

Look into the depth of your hearts. In your souls I want to take the first place. I am a jealous god. Give yourselves completely and do not look right or left, but remain in my grace. Grace is a gift. You are the presentees when you prove to me again and again that you really love me. Love gives itself away and does not think of its own losses. If you dwell in me and I in you, then I can work in you and lead you to your own calling. You have made a complete conversion and are born anew in My Holy Spirit. Sprays love and leads people into the supernatural. I will teach you many more things when you are ready.



