Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jesus Christ speaks to E., M., and F. in the Chapel of the United Heart of Jesus and Mary with Fr. Msgr. A. in Battenhausen through His instrument Anne.


Dearest Jesus, we worship You in Your divinity and humanity. We thank you. We cannot thank you enough for what you have given us today. How much of Your divinity, Your omnipotence, Your everlasting love You have put into our hearts. You have burned this love so deeply into our hearts. We thank you with all our heart. We also thank You that You now want to speak to these three people, whom You have redeemed from all evil enemies, in Your great and boundless love. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ now speaks: My beloved sons of priests, first of all I would like to name you and thank you that you were ready, even today, on the second day, to cast out this evil one in My power. You have taken upon yourselves all heaviness and you have left nothing, but also nothing at all, to grant Me this joy that I, Jesus Christ, was allowed to work through you in My omnipotence, in My exceedingly great, boundless love, in you and through you.

And now I want to speak to you, My beloved daughter E., My beloved son M., My beloved son F. You know that I have always loved you, always, from eternity. Today is the day, Saturday, December 15, 2007, the day of your liberation. Let this day of liberation go deep into your hearts, for it will be the day of your rebirth. You are born again in the Holy Spirit. I want to give you thanks, an eternal reward to God, that you belong to Me and obey Me, that you have not hoped for the adversary, but for My omnipotence, for My deliverance through My sons of priests.

I thank you for sacrificing this long journey here to Battenhausen and for allowing me to be effective in you. The wicked one has left you. He had to leave, today he had to move out. In my power he is completely pulled out of you with a heavy heart. He pressed you for so long, but I was always with you, always. I have looked upon you in the greatest need. You were not alone, My children, never alone. Even though you were in the deepest despair, I was there. I was awake.

Do you think, My children, that your dearest mother could ever leave you alone in this pain? No, she felt with you. She felt every pain with you, much deeper than you had to experience this pain. I also want to thank My Heavenly Mother. Also thank again and again, My children, because I love My mother, who is so hurt in this world today. Yes, one would like to erase them, one would like to say, "They do not exist at all," yet I have given them to you, my chosen ones, and to the whole world. Through her intercession, she may come to Me again and again, ultimately to the Heavenly Father, in order to be able to fulfill the wishes according to the Heavenly Plan. She suffers, she suffers in the whole world with me.

And now, My beloved and chosen ones, a liberation also means a task. You will do justice to this great task when you follow me. Step by step this way will go. I will prepare you again and again and give you the Divine Power. Remember always, it is not your power that will work, no, the divine one. The divinity is in your hearts.

I wish, My beloved M., that you, see your task in the pilgrimage accompaniment. You will get this power from me and you will grow. You will be able to lead people. They will read from you and you will bear witness to what you have experienced. For this reason I have sometimes led you beyond the borders and also tried to do so. You have passed this test. Thank you.

My beloved E., My daughter, also from you I desire that you accompany your son, that you do many things together with him. You, too, will master this task, even if it seems great and unattainable to you, so you will master everything in the Divine Power. Call your Heavenly Mother, whom you will love much more from now on, again and again. Call upon the angels, the saints in heaven, they may accompany you on this path as well. Many will also be able to read from you and you will bear witness to your liberation. I wish by this that many people in their great need see that I am waiting for them, that I want to be with them in the greatest distress, that I love them also in their sins. In their greatest sins they can come to me. I will wash their souls that they may become pure, white as snow. They will read you again and again. Dearest daughter E., you will be all mine. Give yourself to Me in total surrender and give yourself to your dearest Mother, the Immaculate Conception.

And now, My beloved son F., also for you I have a task ready. I thank you for being willing once again today to make a Holy Confession. It was not easy for you to take this step here. I thank you especially for sacrificing everything. Also now I will lead and guide you, your dearest Jesus, with your Heavenly Mother. You will feel that you can leave everything to Me. Do not hold on to anything. It's not yours. Everything belongs to me. Keep this in mind and you will grow in your profession. Then you will succeed in everything, only then. I will be with you and accompany you in all steps. Do not despair if you do not succeed in some things. Then I will bring you back and will prove to you that it is I who will help you. No one else will be able to help you in this important task of your profession. Then you will be able to testify, my dear son F., that it was I and that I am he who loves you from eternity, who loves you boundlessly.

Read My writings, read My messages and you will see that everything is My truth, because this truth is proclaimed by My obedient, willing and humble instrument and child Anne. It lies in my full truth and nothing is out of it.

I thank you too, My beloved Catherine and My beloved little one. You too have withstood, you too have endured. I thank you for again showing your willingness and availability towards me. You have not ceased in prayer. You were in my security. You were protected from all evil. Nothing could jump over to you because I formed a great circle of light around you, and these were the scents you were allowed to sense every time.

And now I want to bless you all in the Trinity of God, in Divine Love, in Divine Confidence, in Divine Messenger. It blesses you with your Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.

Dearest Jesus, we connect our imperfect love with Your love, which lasts forever. Even if we go other ways, you follow us. Even if we sin, you go after us. You see us in every moment and you desire nothing more than that we return Your love. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and do not want to let up in our willingness to serve you again and again and to show you our availability again and again. Amen.



