Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve.

The Child Jesus speaks in the manger after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Child Jesus in the manger speaks to us: I, the little Child Jesus, lying helpless in the manger, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. She speaks only words that come from Me. You, My beloved little ones, I, the child Jesus in the manger, speak to you today. Can you imagine how small and helpless I was lying in this manger, already waiting for your "yes", for your "yes" to this little child. What should you read from this little Jesus? Not only the helplessness, but that you too should become small and trusting. You should read from Me how little the goods of the world are important for you. I was born in a manger, in a stable. You have much greater advantages in your life. You did not have to endure this suffering.

But already as a small child the great longing for you grew in me. I wanted to make myself small before you to awaken this greatest love in you. I wanted at that time already to draw you to Me, to love you, to ignite in you this great love, to be a little child that attracts. This helplessness, this divine love, was already shining around this whole region in which I was born.

Your hearts will also be radiated by this Divine Love, especially today on this Holy Night. Get the graces from this manger, from this Jesus. I look at you and I look into your hearts. Yes, they were prepared by Me in this past Advent season.

The greatest sacrifices are expected of you, but you may also receive the greatest graces. But I have to demand even more. You are this small group that will build the New Church. You will not understand that. And you do not need to understand it. Stay small in humility and let love flow deeper into your souls.

Always be prepared for the great event that will inevitably come to all. But first I want to strengthen your hearts. The smaller you become, the greater your love will grow, the deeper and more intimate this love will be connected with me. Come to me in this Divine love to satisfy my longing. That is why I became small, to draw you again and again to me in love. Very small and tender and helpless you shall become. With every little problem comes to me. I expect you constantly, day and night. When you are always connected with me, you remain in love. If you deviate, this love becomes less and you have to start again.

Begin again and again in My Holy Sacrament of Penance. There your sins will be forgiven. But your weaknesses will not pass away. On the contrary, the deeper you grow in love, the more your weaknesses become apparent to you. I look into your hearts and know you in the smallest detail. I know what you feel, I know what you think and I know what you need at this moment. I am the foresight in love. Everything that you receive, that awaits you, that meets and concerns you, is conceived by me in the greatest love, in boundless love. Watch over your hearts so that love may become deeper and more intimate at the manger, at My manger.

How often I wait in vain for mankind, which is falling away from faith more and more. But you can comfort me in this most holy night. Because men reject me, yes, despise me and destroy my church, I want to let it rise anew in you in full bloom. Therefore I need the greatest sacrifices from you. If you would not celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast, you would not be in the truth. All who hold the meal fellowship in the modernist sense and in this liturgy cannot be connected with Me. It is my Holy Sacrificial Feast, which I will never have destroyed, by no one, but which the authorities are carrying out at the moment. More and more, stronger and stronger and bigger the sacrileges are becoming.

Brings everything to me at the crib. There I am there for you all. There, full of great longing, I await all people, especially those who are in great need. Look at me, then also in your hearts the longing will grow. The longing must become great for my love, then also the divine strength will be able to grow in you.

Love Me at all times! Come and caress me! This will be a great consolation to Me because, My children, My favorite children, I am reborn in your hearts on this Holy Night. Your hearts were brightly enlightened because I went in and I built My dwelling place there as a little Jesuit. I cradle you in My little arms. There you are secure and there is your home, also the eternal home. And so, in the Trinity of God, with the dearest and most beautiful and pure Mother of all mothers, the dearest Jesus blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in love, then you will all get comfort of life. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


