Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Extracted list of messages published in Carbonia (from 2002 to 2021) where the entry "Russia" is highlighted. 5th and last POST - Revolution is in progress, My People will defend themselves from Satan's monstrous dictatorship!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Carbonia March 18, 2022
Extracts from the messages published in Carbonia (from 2002 to 2021)
where the entry "Russia" is highlighted.
5th and final POST
The revolution is in progress,
My People will defend themselves from the monstrous dictatorship of Satan!
November 18, 2018
... ... ...
You have stripped yourselves of the shield, of the only strength for your salvation.
You have abandoned yourselves to the flattery of him who will now put you in his chains.
You will suffer eternally, you will cry out to Me for help but I will not hear you because you are marked by the Beast!
You will die defenseless, nothing will be given to help you, you will only have the mocking smile of the devil who, facing you with his whip, will sacrifice you for his pleasures.
Alone you will die, no human warmth will be upon you, your choices were these: to die rather than to live!
Italy will go through great suffering, her detachment from Me will be her defeat!
America will undergo a great catastrophe!
Russia will make a harmful decision!
China will make itself known in its wickedness!
Call My Name, cry to Me for help, now, O men!
The sun is about to go out, the moon will no longer give its light, everything will be darkened and death will be everywhere!
Prepare yourselves My children, prepare your souls and keep the blessed candles and sacramentals at hand, the rosary in your hands in prayer and supplication to Me.
The hour is approaching, darkness will ravage the Earth.
July 26, 2021
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The battle is fierce, My cry of love does not want to be heard, I AM a pierced God, now forgotten, ... man prostrates himself to the Beast, he has now become his.
I will thunder with power My justice!
I will make all Hell tremble! ... Enough!
My intervention will be great, the Miracle of the world returns to visit the world and finds it in worse condition than it left it.
The Church is run by Satan, his acolytes feast on the heads of my children, ...their death is at the gates! I will do justice! I will take away their administration and I will throw them together with the one they have chosen in My place in the terrible Hell: ...They will understand, ... ah if they understand! They will cry, ... and if they cry they will! But it will be too late, they snubbed the cry of their Creator, so He will do with them.
At the New Dawn everything must be pure, the path of man will begin new and it will be as God had predetermined it from the time of time.
Go forth in My Work, O men faithful to Me, to your God-Love, lay down your all for the salvation of souls who are being lost.
Pray for Russia, she will make a drastic decision.
Pray for Italy, its Calvary is just around the corner.
Join in prayer, beg for My mercy, ...implore My early return.
God saves!
01 December 2021
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Jesus, in His infinite Love, still turns His merciful gaze towards His People, towards the least of these and urgently calls them back to Himself.
The streets of Rome will soon be impassable, blood will flow like a river, the cursed hierarch will escape but will not find escape because the Hand of God will seize him.
The revolution is in progress, My People will defend themselves from the monstrous dictatorship of Satan. The sky will be tinged with red and the volcano of the East will erupt all its fury against Rome.
The Byzantine Patriarch will demand an apology from the Vatican that was never made.
Russia is preparing its tanks. China is already on the borders.
Rome will be decapitated. Prepare yourselves for war.
Beloved children, prepare your hearts, purify yourselves, prostrate yourselves to Him who was crucified, humbly ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
The hour enters darkly, everything will suddenly ignite with hatred and battle will break out.
My beloved children, oh you who seek Jesus and follow Him with faithful love, behold, suddenly you will find yourselves in a new condition. You will be transfigured, you will acquire a new garment, your face will radiate with the light of your God-Love, you will be strong and young, full of life in Him who is Life and you will go to fulfill the Mission entrusted to you, you will conquer the hearts of those far away and bring them back home.
God is with you My children, put yourselves in His Path by respecting His Will. You will enjoy His All, you will benefit from the wonders of His infinite Love.
Wrap yourselves in light, My children, ... pray intensely and unceasingly, beg for the early return of Jesus.
Show yourselves worthy of His Love, everything is about to happen! Amen!
Source: ➥