Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
My Children, Learn to Pause before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy
Message Of 06/26/2022 From Simona
I saw Mama, She was dressed in white, on Her head a thin white veil and a crown of twelve stars, a broad blue mantle on Her shoulders that reached down to Her feet. Mama had a white dress, and Her arms open as a sign of welcome, on Mama's left side was Jesus, He had a white robe and on His shoulders a broad red mantle, His arms open and on His hands and feet the signs of His passion.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children I love you, I love you with an immense love. I have been coming to you for a long time and once again I ask you for prayer, prayer for the fate of this world more and more invaded by evil, more and more distant from God and more and more full of man's ego.
My children, there are few places where people pray with pure hearts, too few people entrust themselves to God and fewer and fewer offer Him their lives to become His instruments.
My beloved children, evil is rampant everywhere, too many of My children give in to the lure of evil, too many are lost on wrong paths, My children pray, offer your lives to the Lord, be instruments in His hands, live the Gospel, pray with a sincere heart. My children, love one another and be ready to help one another, form cenacles of prayer, be like lamps of love burning for the Lord.
My children, learn to pause before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar: there My living and true Son awaits you, open your hearts to Him and let Him dwell in you, be humble instruments in His hands, be like clay ready to be molded to His will.
My children I love you, I ask you again for prayer, prayer for My beloved Church, strong and constant prayer made with a heart full of love for the Lord. Pray for the vicar of Christ, serious decisions depend on him, pray My children pray, be humble instruments in the hands of the Lord, My children be ready to say your "yes" strongly.
My children pray, pray, pray. My children empty your selves and fill yourselves with God, listen to what is His will, silence your selves and to do this you must strengthen yourselves with the Holy Sacraments, I love you children.
Then Jesus blessed everyone.
I bless you in the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.