Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Soon I Will Present Myself in the Homes of Each of You
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Statue placed on the Hill of the Good Shepherd in Carbonia.
Carbonia 23-07-2022 - (4:16 p.m. locution)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I bless you all My children and embrace you in My Breast, I place you on My Immaculate Heart and take you with Me to My Son Jesus.
I am your Heavenly Mother: I am the Virgin of Carmel, present here today, on this Hill!
This Hill that has become a Shrine; this Hill will soon see its Basilica reopen to the eyes of the world. This Hill so longed for and desired by Heaven, will regain its vigor, it will be great because it is God's will, is the greatest work ever this of the Hill of the Good Shepherd .
Soon you will see the graces you will receive in this place: ... endless healings will happen along with great exorcisms.
My children, the gifts that the Lord has promised you are now upon you; you will be great in the world and you will be great for your brothers and sisters because you will intervene to help them.
Always put yourselves in prayer! Let the holy Rosary be in your hands; pray and supplicate God's mercy, pray for His anticipated return.
Pray My children, for this is now a late hour: everything is about to come before the eyes of this faithless Humanity.
All the prophecies announced by Mary Most Holy and by various prophets in the world, the "true" ones of God, are being fulfilled!
You will soon see new and beautiful things arise for the children of God, and you will see the children of the devil catapulted underground; they will follow him, because he they have chosen. They have not repented and converted; they have not returned to their Creator God!
Blessed children, I am here to embrace you all! I love you infinitely; I thank you for being here, I give you all My support and soon I will show up in the homes of each of you.
I will take you by the hand and carry you with Me: I will mark you on your foreheads and hearts with the sign of the cross and you will be great, and you will follow God in His great glorious manifestation that will soon be manifested in Heaven.
Thank you also for the arrival of this new daughter of God, ... she too is a call in this special Work of God!
All those who set foot on this Hill will receive infinite graces and infinite gifts; God's called ones will all come to set their feet on this earth, this earth that will explode big time and suddenly.
Go ahead My children, I embrace you all, I carry you in My Heart and support you in this final battle.
Satan is challenging you every day but the hour of his decline has come!
Come on My children! You are great: you are great in Jesus Christ and you are great in love. Jesus has ready for you a new ground, a new house, where all of you will be sheltered.
Some of these children, they will stand waiting to be brought back then to this Earth, to recover-as apostles of Mary, apostles of the last times-all those who have turned away from God and renounced God; but God will take back into Himself every one of His children.
Their suffering will be great! They will be on their knees, they will ask for God's help and invoke His Holy Name and ask for forgiveness. Amen.
My children, forward! Forward with the Rosary in your hands, with happiness and serenity in your hearts, soon things will be different.
I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.
Source: ➥