Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, August 1, 2022

Work in the Vineyard of the Lord My priests! Gather to Me all the nations.

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 30.07.2022

The time marks the end of an ancient age, the floodgates of the heavens open to the new, you will arise new in Me and be beautiful in Me.

God the Father Almighty Yahweh urgently calls back those who have turned away from His Law and are allying themselves with the adversary.

Beware My children, the Evil One is cunning and you are falling into his deadly net.

Work in the Vineyard of the Lord My priests! Gather to Me all the nations.

A great storm is about to rage; run for shelter in Me, I alone can save you.

My beloved children, as Father I come again to plead for your conversion: wait no longer!

Everything is coming; the Devil's curse is already on this Humanity that has sold itself to him.

My voice Thunders: ... it is your God calling you back to Himself! Do not be foolish! ... Renounce Satan; take hold of the holy Gospel, pray and fast from the things of the world.

Repent My children ! Repent "now" that you still can , ... the dreadful night is coming; everything will be in the chill of death.

Source: ➥
