Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Beloved Children, Be Light, Be Light for Those Who Still Live in Darkness
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy
Message Of 09/26/2022 From Angela
This afternoon Mama showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that wrapped Her was also white, wide, and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head the Virgin Mary had a crown of twelve shining stars.Mama's hands were clasped in prayer, in Her hands a long white holy rosary beads, as of light, and a small burning flame.
On Her chest Mama had a heart of flesh beating fast. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the serpent who shook his tail loudly, but She held him still with Her right foot.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here.
Thank you for responding to this call of Mine.
Beloved children, I love you, I love you immensely and if I am here it is because of God's immense Mercy, which allows Me to be here among you.
My children, I am here to take you by the hand, extend your hands to Me and grasp Mine.
My children, I want to place you all in My Immaculate Heart.
When Mama said, "I want to place you all in My Immaculate Heart..." She kind of placed that little flame She had in Her hands, on Her heart. Her heart began to beat fast. Then She spread Her arms wide and began to pray over us.
All around a great light formed, the forest became as if of light. I could see some of those present particularly illuminated by this light.
Then Mama resumed speaking.
Beloved children, be light, be light for those who still live in darkness. Pray children, let your life be prayer. Pray for the conversion of this humanity, increasingly gripped and clouded by the false beauties of this world.
Beloved children, hard times await you, times of sorrow, but you do not fear, I am always by your side, even when you do not see Me.
My children, pray much for My beloved Church, pray for My chosen and beloved children, that they may continue to always put My Son Jesus at the center of their lives. Many of them make Me suffer so much, because by their behavior they alienate so many from the Church. Pray children, and do not be judges, learn to justify instead of pointing fingers.
At this point, the Virgin Mary was silent and pointed me to a very specific spot to look at. I saw St. Michael the Archangel, next to it was the whole of Italy.
St. Michael was like a great leader, he had in his hands a long spear of light, he pointed it at the center of Italy. The earth was shaking, shaking hard.
Then Mama blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.