Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Mary of Sorrows
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy
My daughter, I am with you and help you in asking My Son, His protection. You are living the last times and most of your brothers do not yet realize it.
Tell them to ask forgiveness for all their sins for by the time they realize it, it will be too late. But don't you see that your churches are emptying out, while where you enjoy yourselves, far from God, large spaces are filling up.
My children, you who realize that you are living in the last times, approach as many friends and young people as possible so that they may be converted and return to the Good Father who awaits them with so much love.
The devil is raiding all our weaker children and they fall into the devil's trap as if they were going to a party. I assure you, they will find no entertainment but unfortunately it will be too late.
I, please, help Me take away from Satan My beloved children who no longer feel how great is our love for them.
My children, please try to talk to these disobedient children and Jesus will give you a hundredfold. I am close to you and help you, ask and you will not be disappointed.
You are at your last throes, please convert hearts away from God and you will have your reward. I love you and am close to you, be worthy children of Jesus' love.
Mary of Sorrows.
Source: ➥