Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Beloved Mother of Mine...
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 22, 2023
Rivers of graces will come for My Children!
Beloved of your God,
the time of new things has come, the Immaculate Heart of Mary is at its triumph, God's chosen ones will rejoice! My Blessed Mother, Flower of My Bosom:
You are the Star of Love, you are My Love, My All. Your Son Jesus cloaks You with His own Person, in You is the triumph of this Humanity. My Most Pure Mother:
I, Your Son Jesus, am always in You; I became incarnate in You, I live in You. I will grace Your every request for Your Children, I will raise You as the Coredemptrix of the Plan of Salvation. My Chastest Mother:
You are, and forever will be the Star that lights the way, with Me you will be forever: your Heart is Mine, your Breast is Mine, your All is in Me. Woman of exalted Love and Charity:
You are the Woman who will renew the Earth, She who will embrace this Humanity to Salvation. God has chosen You for Himself, You are fortress in God! Oh Mother:
Heal the hearts of men with Your Love and Your sweet Smile. Be Mother of all: receive them into Thee, renew them with the holy chrisms of Mother Church, instruct Thy Children in the holy Doctrine of God! Use Thy power in God to renew lost souls: restore them with the fire of Thy Love. Beloved Mother Mine:
watch over this dastardly Humanity, ... which has lost everything of Me, to follow Satan; re-embrace them to You, hold them close to You until their hearts beat again in love to Me. Study their steps, anticipate them in Good. Disperse those who are not "Mine"; Satan will take them away with him. Mother of a thousand sorrows:
You, who together with your Son Jesus suffered for the salvation of men, you will have the joy of possessing them all in Paradise.
Endless graces will descend on this sad Humanity, because God prefers it that way, He wants to recover every man, to give him to live of Himself and in Himself. Thunders the voice of God over the whole Universe, a loud roar will draw the attention of all men!
God will manifest Himself to the world as the One and Only True God!
The Passover of the Lord is near oh men,
be ready, with your shoes on your feet, your hips girded and your staff in your hands, for suddenly you will stand before Him who is your God Love, your only Savior. Prepare to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Pray, fast, serve, love, worship the Lord with all your heart. Amen.
Source: ➥