Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Have Compassion and Mercy on Those of You Who Have No Mercy
Message from Saint Angela of Foligno to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on August 1, 2023
Repair the offenses done to the Sacred Heart. Love Jesus, adore Jesus Crucified.
Free yourselves from vain materialism. Throw away every amulet and old leaven.
Be new leaven that ferments the mass. Do not give pearls to swine. You are in the month dedicated to the Father: pray His Rosary.
Abandon the 7 capital vices, embrace the Cross, weep for deliverance within. Ask for the gift of tears and the substitution of the heart.
Take up the Call of Reconciliation and Our Heavenly Messages. Pray, pray, do not always judge.
Have compassion and mercy on those of you who have no mercy.
Love and you will be free within. Christ has freed you from the yoke of sin.
Babylon will fall, confusion will vanish and many will be healed.
The scourges will descend on Germany. Russia will be converted, but first...."
(St. Angela is shrouded in divine light. She is not happy).