Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Make Ready Your Hearts, Repent and Draw Close to Me
A Message from The Lord Given to Beloved Shelley Anna
Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, Elohim says
My Beloved Ones
Make ready your hearts, Repent and draw close to Me.
After the tribulation has begun
Darkness will soon overshadow humanity.
A great darkness resides in the firmament, that is reserved for judgment.
Tribulation will begin, beneath a new moon, with a trumpet blast, where the faithful departed shall rise and you that remain will be caught up to meet Me in the clouds, where you will be with Me forevermore, changed in the twinkling of an eye.
Be not fearful.
Execute your preparedness, as you watch and pray, by the light of the blessed candles, awaiting that Blessed Hope!
Let joy fill your hearts as you rejoice!
For your redemption draws nigh!
Thus saith, The Lord.