Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, April 1, 2024
It Is Already 12 Noon, … the Angel’s Trumpet Sounds, It Is the Signal of the Gathering for God’s Children!
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 27, 2023
Past is the storm, come My children to rejoice!!!
Here I come to you! As Redeemer, I come to take My Chosen Ones! Come, come blessed ones of the Lord.
My beloved ones, your eyes will shine with new light! I will bend your hearts to Me, I will place them in Mine and you will be perfect in Me. You will witness an ancient history and live for Me, in Him who created you.
It is already 12 noon, ... the Angel's trumpet sounds,
it is the signal of the gathering for the children of God!
Beloved ones of your Lord, the storm has passed, the clouds in the sky appear new, they are clothed with a new light, the Lord will pass through them to descend to Earth.
The new Jerusalem will descend from Heaven and embrace into Himself every man worthy of His Embrace: and ... New Heavens and New Earth!!!
Jesus of Nazareth returns to manifest Himself in His Glory!
His Chalice will show to all men: ... cup of His Victory! His Blood shed for you, for your salvation.
Life will enter new into the wonders of God, Creation will show its true beauty in God and men will be beautiful in the peace of their Creator.
Beloved Children, oh you who have sustained Me in faithfulness and love in this saving mission, to you I destine eternal life in Me.
Rejoice My children, your time has come, God's gifts will overtake you, you will have new eyes to see, you will speak His Language, rejoice in Him, contemplate His Beauty!
Embrace the holy Gospel, O men! Jesus speaks through His Prophets and Apostles of the end times, listen to them.
Beloved Children, put in you the sign of the Living God, (the cross), mark yourselves in Him who created you. Let your eyes be ready to see and know His wonders.
It is the hour of the rapture of the Elect, be ready My children, keep faithful to Me, the battle will be terrible but in God is certain victory.
The shadows of the night will thicken and into man far from his Creator will enter fear, terror will grip the hearts of many.
Embrace Me, My children, do not fear, I AM!!!
Put yourselves in obedience to My Blessed Mother, She will take you by the hand and accompany you to Me, She will protect you in battle, She will manifest victory in Christ Jesus her Son. Amen.
Source: ➥