Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, July 22, 2024

Long Live GOD! Long Live JESUS! Long Live HIS Cross by Which You Were Saved and Received Eternal Life!

Message from God The Father to Myriam and Marie in France on June 27, 2024


Thank you three for praying the rosary.

Thank you, My little children!

I AM your GOD of Love who loves you "GOD ALL POWERFUL"!

Keep praying for FRANCE, which is in the hands of Freemasonry. PRAY MY CHILDREN, PRAY and above all: "DO NOT BE AFRAID"!

FRANCE must be purified so that it can once again become the eldest daughter of the Church.


Trust in the Love that saves: "Trust in GOD Almighty, the ONLY MASTER"!

Many, many of My children have let themselves be taken by Satan, ALSO, My Beloved: I need your prayers and your suffering to save you all!

Don't forget, My children, that after this great tribulation: "You will go to My new land: "After the great purification". AMEN, AMEN, AMEN,

I who AM: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, give you My Most Holy Blessing with that of the Blessed Mary, always Virgin, the "DIVINE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" and her most chaste spouse Saint JOSEPH:

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER ! IN THE NAME OF THE SON, IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, ALELUIA, ALELUIA, ALELUIA, Long live GOD! Long live JESUS! Long live HIS Cross by which you were saved and received eternal life!

I give you My Peace, My children, I give you My Peace! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN,

I AM the Good Shepherd and you are My sheep! I love you, I love you, I love you AMEN.

Source: ➥
