Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Many Will Find Hope through Each of Your Prayers

Message from Our Lady to Robert Brasseur in Québec, Canada on October 3, 2024


Dear son, I am Mary, your mother.

The time that passes has now come to an end. The hourglass only has a few grains of sand left... Every second is very important.

You are currently facing a wall, and that wall is permeated by Satan's latest attacks. His revolt is of unprecedented fury.


Nothing can happen to you as long as you remain united with Heaven through prayer.

Dear child, these nights of prayer are the key to success in healing the hearts of all those We send to you. Each prayer is a balm for My Mother's Heart and for the Heart of My Son Jesus.

Prepare yourselves for the whirlwind of events that are about to take place. Fire will become an immense scourge in the craters of several volcanoes. These volcanoes will be the beginning of the end, and this is how demons will invade the earth and multiply to infest all those who are not protected.

You will witness these events, but your hearts will be at peace.

Many will find hope through each of your prayers. Your homes will be protected by My Angels and above all do not be frightened, but pray, so that your peace may remain. Dear child, this time is at hand.

Thank you for listening. I love you and bless all those who are dear to you.”

Mary, your Mother.

Source: ➥
