Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Hands of Mary Contain Great Graces to Be Bestowed on the Devotees of Such a Truly Miraculous Medal

Message from Saint Catherine Labouré to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on September 26, 2024


Love Our Lady, love the Immaculate Mother.

Carry Her Medal above you, it is powerful against temptations, seductions, illusions, obsessions. It has power of HEALING and LIBERATION.

The Immaculata appeared to Me to offer you this Powerful Gift (the Miraculous Medal).

Beware of the false miraculous medals.

Follow Brindisi, contrada Santa Teresa, and come on pilgrimage every fifth day of the month, praying the TWENTY MYSTERIES of the ROSARY. Here the Lady awaits you every fifth day.

The Hands of Mary contain great Graces to be bestowed on the devotees of such a truly Miraculous Medal.

Pray to the Lady in this way:

Miraculous Virgin, Source of Goodness and Hope, help us. Thy Heart is Sorrowful and drips Blood, and for every drop, a soul save from the path of eternal perdition.

Grant that we may bear Your Medal with faith, Heavenly Shield.

O Rescuer, turn Your merciful Eyes on us sinners and save us. Guide Your FLOCK to Jesus the Redeemer. Convert us to the Divine Kingdom that comes with Glory.

Bless us, O Most Pure Queen. Cover us with Your Mantle O Mary. Amen.

About the Miraculous Medal



