Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Urgent Call to Mankind.

Come to Me, You Sheep That Have Gone Astray!


My children: may my peace be with you and remain always. The days of my justice are drawing nearer and nearer. Mankind does not want to listen to Me; poor you who continue to turn your backs on Me, for you do not know what awaits you. The night and its darkness are about to begin, the time of tragedy, chaos and despair is knocking at the door; the farewell without return to many will knock.

It will be of no use for you to hide; my Justice probes everything, it knows everything, it is straight and inexorable and your cries no one will hear them. Awake from your lethargy oh humanity; stop walking in darkness; straighten your steps, so that you do not fall into the abyss; when my Justice begins its time there will be no turning back.

When my Justice begins its time, there will be no turning back. Do not continue wasting the little time you have left by going after sin; it is time to implore mercy; it is time for forgiveness. Disarm your hearts and seek the God of Life, who will soon depart.

For a time I will be with you; but another time I will be no more; but then we will meet again in my New Heavens and in my New Earth, in my Heavenly Jerusalem come down from heaven, where I will reign with you my faithful children until the consummation of time.

I make an urgent call to you, rebellious and sinful sheep; remember that they will not enter my kingdom: Neither homosexuals, nor prostitutes, nor drunkards, nor adulterers and fornicators, nor the lustful, nor those who steal, nor those who kill, nor the proud, nor the lukewarm of heart, nor the ill-lived, nor those who destroy my creation and manipulate life, nor the greedy, nor liars, nor sorcerers, nor apostates, and so on. None of them will be able to enter my New Creation.

That is why I remind you: You still have time for you to straighten your path; what are you waiting for to do so; if you continue as you are going, you will surely get lost; remember that it is the death of the spirit that awaits you; do not be foolish and rebellious; take up again at once the path of your salvation; I am not pleased to see you die, I want you to live and have eternal life.

Remember: I did not come into this world for the sake of the righteous, but for you sinful sheep. Look at Mary of Magdala, she was lost, but she repented and straightened her way, until she became one of my most beloved disciples. Today I also call you, my lost sheep, so that just as Mary of Magdala did, you too may return to the path of your salvation. Leave your bacchanals and orgies; straighten your way and I will give you eternal life. Remember that I am the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep; do not fear, my little lost sheep. I forsake the 99 to go in search of you my lost sheep.

Come to Me, and I will lead you to the green pastures and the cool waters where you will quench your hunger and quench your thirst. Come to Me, My prodigal sons and daughters, I do not want to see you die eternally; if you repent of your wrongdoing and take up again the path of forgiveness and justice, I assure you that you will live and heaven will rejoice.

I am a loving Father who knows your weak human condition; come close to Me, do not fear; my arms are open waiting for you, to give you my love, my peace, my forgiveness and my life in abundance.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Mt. 11:28).

Fear not then, behold, the night of my Justice is at hand; welcome my last bells of mercy so that you may enter into my New Creation. I am waiting for you, do not delay; for I am about to depart; come to where I am imprisoned and solitary, here in the tabernacle and deposit in Me your burdens and sins, which I will bear for you, my little lost sheep. Come then, do not fear; straighten your way and I will give you eternal life. I am your Father: Jesus, the Good Shepherd of the sheep.

My children, you sheep of my flock, make this message known to my lost sheep. Distribute many copies.

Source: ➥
