Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, July 12, 2010

Urgent Appeal to Mankind!

Consecrate Yourselves to the Power of My Precious Blood!


My children, my peace be with you. The day of my adversary's declaration is knocking at the door. Hear him not, nor see him by any means of communication, for he has power to make you love him, and thus your souls will be lost. You who are of my flock, seal yourselves and consecrate yourselves to the power of my most precious Blood. Seal your minds, powers and senses with my Blood from now on and extend it to your children, spouses, brethren, parents, relatives and the whole world, so that you may be protected with the seal of my precious Blood and the voice of my adversary may not harm you. Consecrate yourselves to the power of my glorious Blood, it will be your protective shield; seal with my Blood: radios, stereos, televisions, cell phones, telephones and computers, etc., because the voice of my adversary will be felt in all the ends of the earth and these devices, even if they are turned off, if they are not sealed with my Blood, they will be ignited by the voice of the false messiah. Remember that I allow this in order to select my sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares. Be alert and vigilant then, do not neglect prayer; put on again, I tell you, my Spiritual Armor of Ephesians 6, 10 to 18 and the reinforcement of Psalm 91, morning and evening extending it to your relatives; do not fear, I am the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep; my Mother and my Angels will be with you my faithful sheep, assisting you and guiding you to the gates of my eternal fold. I give you the prayer of consecration to my most precious blood, so that you may pray it day and night and teach it to all your brethren; spread it throughout the world so that it may reach the hearts of all my sheep.


(Pray daily with meditation)

Conscious of my nothingness and of your sublimity, merciful Savior, I prostrate myself at your feet, and I thank you for the grace you have shown toward me, ungrateful creature. I thank you especially for freeing me, through your Precious Blood, from the destructive power of Satan. In the presence of my dear Mother Mary, my Guardian Angel, my Patron Saint and the whole heavenly court, I consecrate myself willingly, with a sincere heart, O dearest Jesus, to your Precious Blood, by which you have redeemed the world from sin, death and hell. I promise You, with the help of Your grace and with my greatest commitment, to promote and propagate devotion to Your Precious Blood, the price of our redemption, so that Your adorable Blood may be honored and glorified by all.

In this way, I wish to make reparation for my disloyalty to your Precious Blood of Love and to compensate you for the many profanations that men commit against the precious price of their salvation. Oh, if only my own sins, my coldness and all the disrespectful acts I have committed against you, O holy and precious Blood, could be erased. Behold, dear Jesus, I offer You the love, honor and adoration which Your Most Holy Mother, Your faithful disciples and all the Saints have offered to Your Precious Blood. I ask You to forget my lack of faith and coldness and to forgive all those who offend You. O Divine Savior! Sprinkle me and all men with Thy Precious Blood, that we may love Thee, O crucified love, henceforth with all our hearts, and worthily honor the price of our salvation. Amen. Under your protection we take refuge, Holy Mother of God, do not despise our supplications in our needs, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. May my peace be with you. Fear not, I will be with you until the consummation of time. I am your Master and Shepherd. Jesus, the Good Shepherd of all times. Sheep of my flock, do not stand still: spread my messages to the whole world.

Source: ➥
