Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pray and Make Reparation, for the Hour of Divine Justice is About to Begin


Little children of my heart, may the peace of God accompany you, the light of the Holy Spirit guide you, and my motherly protection assist you.

Little children, the immense majority of humanity has not wanted to accept our calls to conversion, they continue in their mad race towards the abyss. The chastisement will very soon come and 2/3 of humanity will be lost.

I will make my last appearances in different places shedding tears, as an announcement to the pain that will invade humanity. What sadness there is in my heart of Mother, seeing the contempt and ingratitude of this generation. Love and peace will be replaced by hatred and war; the immense majority will be lost because they did not want to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd, nor did they want to welcome the love of a Mother who pleadingly and lovingly asked them to return to God.

Little children, there is no turning back; the trumpets are about to sound; the Warning of God to men is about to begin. The awakening of consciences will show you all the sin with which you have offended the Creator; it will make you feel in your souls the need you have to return and love God.

Many lukewarm souls will return to the fold; but others will definitely say No to the God of Life.

Gather yourselves in prayer; be alert and vigilant because at any moment my Father will manifest Himself. Unite in prayer to my Immaculate Heart and do not fear. I your Heavenly Mother know you and I will be with you in your passage through the desert. As I have told you: at the end of the exile I will show you my Son, the Blessed Fruit of my Womb, who will be with me welcoming you in the New heavens and on the New earth.

Prepare yourselves then for the test of purification is about to begin. Again I say to you my little ones, do not fear; if you welcome Me, I will take care of you as a hen takes care of her chicks, and nothing and no one will be able to harm you.

Pray and make reparation, for the hour of Divine Justice is about to begin. Pray at every instant with psalms, ejaculations, and praises, asking the Heavenly Father, if it is His Holy and Divine Will, to shorten these days of purification. Ask for my intercession through my Holy Rosary; remember that my rosary together with the spiritual armor, will be your protective shield that will radiate rays of justice that will blind and defeat from the face of the earth the infernal dragon and his hosts of evil. Remain then my little children, in love and prayer so that you may be able to endure these days of trial. I give you this rosary of intercession and deliverance which will serve you as spiritual armor for these times.


It begins with a Creed and an Our Father.

The one who leads: Mary Most Holy Living Tabernacle of the One and Triune God.

It is answered: Pray for us who are so sinful (10 times).

At the end of each decade, say 3 times: Hail Mary Most Pure. And answer: Without sin conceived Mary Most Holy. Then begin as at the beginning: Mary Most Holy Living Tabernacle of the One and Triune God etc. and so on until the end of the five decades. At the end of the rosary, the Salve is said.

May the peace of God be with you and my motherly love be with you always.

Your Mother: The Miraculous One.

Make known my messages, little children of my heart.

Source: ➥
