Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, January 27, 2012

Jesus the Good Shepherd’s, Urgent Call to His Flock.

Be Alert and Vigilant in Your Mind, Because My Adversary Has Begun Mental Attacks!


My dear children, sheep of my fold, peace be with you.

Be alert and vigilant in your mind, because my adversary has begun mental attacks; has started to deploy mental spirits to attack the minds of my children and make many to lose their head. So mentally pray wherever you are, to destroy the attacks my enemy will test you in your mind casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (1 Corinthians 10,5).

Apply my glorious Blood on your body, mind, and spirit, for you to withstand the attacks, do not despair, they are part of your purification; pray and rebuke and call on the power of my Blood and my Wounds; deliver it all to the wound of my left hand and I promise the fall of my adversary. Call my mother and say, O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee and say, Holy Mother, conceived without sin. Mary most holy and evil spirits will flee from you.

Learn to fight spiritually for you to be true spiritual soldiers and you can remain in my peace. Sheep of my flock, it is important that you remain in my grace, strengthened with my body and my blood that you stand fast in spiritual combat. My body and blood is your protective shield that together with your faith, you will grant you victory every day. You my faithful children extended this armour that I give you, my children more vulnerable so that they too may have my peace. Ask my Father for the salvation of all those who have not yet defined themselves, who say they have God in their heart, but do not meet its precepts; ask for those who seek God, lips and ears only, but whose heart is distant from Him. Pray much for them, because in truth I tell you, unless they repent and seek God with a sincere heart, will not be able to obtain mercy.

Many will not withstand my awakening of consciences and their souls will be lost, because they have not wanted to attend my calls to conversion, the vast majority go about lost in sin and cares of this world, as many others wander in spiritual warmth and have not defined themselves, for that I come insist mankind to repent and make life confessions and include sins of omission, so that when brought before the supreme court, can be justified and not have to go through the proof of my warming. Remember that your souls will be judged on the state you are in at that moment, if you are in mortal sin, you will be brought to hell, because if at that time you were to die that would be your payback. Reconsider and welcome Me as soon as possible, because no one is sure of life. My warning will awaken many sinners who walk in darkness and many who are lukewarm and undefined, I tell you this is my last chance for you to be saved and reinstated to my flock. If after my warning you continue to sin or spiritual lukewarmness, I will separate you from my flock and I will give you to my opponent, to dispose of you.

I say again, he who would save his life will lose it, but he who loses it for Me will find it. For many last shall be first; and many first shall be last. Let nobody feels safe, for he who should exalt himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted, be simple and humble so you can be justified. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you.

I am your Master and Shepherd. Jesus of Nazareth.

Source: ➥
