Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mary’s Mystical Rose Urgent Call to the Catholic World.

Pray My Children So That My Fifth Dogma Can Be Enacted and Russia Will Be Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart!


Little children of my heart, may the peace of God be with you.

People of God, fear not, your Mother will not abandon you, I will look after my son’s flock, I will protect you and guide you lovingly on your way through the dessert. Pray for Pope Francisco, to endorse my Fifth Dogma as Mary Mediatrix, Coredemptrix, and Advocate, Lady of All Nations. You must pray much for Pope Francisco, because the enemies of the Church infiltrated in Peter’s headquarters will shorten his days as Pope if he does the will of my Father. My little children fortify the Pope with your prayers, fasting and penance, so he can do the will of God and no evil force can divert him from the path and the mission heaven has entrusted him with.

You are during times of great confusion and division, My Son's Church is divided in two, one side in favor and others against the election of the Vicar of my Son. I remind you my children that nothing moves in creation, not even a leaf, without my Father’s consent. Allow not to be divided by my adversary, be aware that when you pray, you fast and do penance, my Father's Will, will always be favorable to you. I ask you to be assured in my Father’s decisions and to pray much with my Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of the Precious Blood and Wounds of my Son, so that Pope Francisco can guide the Barque of Peter, in the midst of the torrential waters of apostasy and masonry of these The Last Days. Whether the Vicar and the Church remain steadfast during the time my Father needs him to carry out his Holy Will depends on your prayers.

Pray, little children for my Fifth Dogma to be enacted and that Russia can be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Make a global chain of prayer with My Holy Rosary, asking Heavenly Father for this great request. Also pray for world peace so threatened now by the lust for power and expansionism of some kings of the earth. Do not neglect prayers, because you are in times of great upheaval, if you pray, all will be stopped for a while as my dogma is promulgated. If you neglect prayer, wars between nations will come and all will begin to destabilize.

Hence my children, I ask you for much prayer to stop the course of all these devastating events for humanity. Remember that popular saying of yours: ‘one swallow does not a summer make’. Therefore it is important to chain pray for there is strength in numbers, and it collapses fortresses; have faith and trust in God, He is your victory and I am your Captain and Lady, who will guide you together with Michael and the Celestial Hosts, towards the gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

My daughters, I ask you to return to the use of the veil on your heads imitating me and as a sign of love and respect for God. You know not how much this mother appreciates this and how happy heaven will be with your act of mercy. Say yes, say that you will do this my daughters, can I count on you? I want you to embrace this, my loving request that you may return to the House of God with a veil on your head and we may worship the One and Triune God in honor and glory. Remain in the peace of the Lord. Mary Mystical Rose, your mother.

Make my messages known to all human kind.

Source: ➥
