Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, January 30, 2014

It is Time of Constant Prayer; It is Time of Be Alert and Vigilant at All Times Invoking the Power of My Glorious Blood That Makes Flee Demons!


Peace be with you all, sheep of my flock

Intolerance is taking over mankind, spirits of violence, altercations, suicide, and death are already wandering among you; remember that all the violence generated on earth is the domain that these spirits have over humanity away from me. The men of this time live on stressed, in expectation, and the minor disagreement generates an act of violence and bloodshed.

My children keep calm and stay away from noisy and violent people, because they are bad for you spirit. Seal with my Blood, I tell you again, all people and places that you will be in the course of the day. My adversary and his host of evil are taking over many bodies in order to sow discord and rivalry among men; once again I tell you, do not go outside without your spiritual armour on, because you are in spiritual battle and without your spiritual armour the incarnated demons can hurt you.

It is time of constant prayer; it is time of be alert and vigilant at all times invoking the power of my glorious blood that makes flee demons! Strengthen your mind by reading my word and take refuge in my Holy Wounds, because the greatest spiritual battles will be fought in your minds. My adversary sees to control the human mind to act in their will and thus sow chaos, violence and death. Therefore you, my flock, must be strengthened in faith asking divine assistance every time that you feel attacked.

Run away from all that is cause of sin, or that it incites you to sin, stay away from all evil doers for do not fall into their networks and thus lose your soul. Be very careful with what you watch and read, because there are abundant bad readings that stimulates lower instincts; stay away from all this so do not contaminate your spirit! Do not forget that you are children of God, and you were bought from a very high price, my death on the cross. You are heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven; do not let anything or anyone steal your heritage. Remember that my Holy Word says: whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the spirit, from the spirit will reap everlasting life. (Galatians 6,8).

The time that you are living is difficult and testing, strive to walk in the path of light, peace and love, walking always in the narrow path, because very wide and spacious is the path to lead you to eternal death. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and be converted because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master and Shepherd, Jesus of Nazareth, the Good Shepherd of all times.

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
