Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Call of Jesus Eucharistic to the Shepherds of His Flock.

My Church is at the Point of Undergoing a Great Testing That Will Shake Her Foundations, but It Will Be Unable to Destroy Her!


Peace to you, Shepherds and Sheep of my flock

Many of my shepherds are being lost due to the modernism of this world and to the flesh, and this lacerates deeply my mystical body represented in my Church. Corruption, disobedience and the sins of the flesh of many of my chosen souls are open wounds across my ribs. You can feel the schism coming, in the interior of my Church there is confusion; my cardinals are divided and many no longer obey mi Vicar. MY Church is at the point of undergoing a great testing that will shake her foundations, but it will be unable to destroy her. The spiritual massacre draws near and will make many of my children lose their faith.

Oh, what grief in my heart, to see that very few will remain of so many of my chosen souls who yesterday swore me loyalty and fidelity. The vast majority will give me their back and betray me as Judas did, when the crisis of my Church arrives. Anew my heart will be pierced through by the lance of ingratitude; bloody tears come to my eyes at the sight of the See of Peter, occupied by my adversary.

Each day the spiritual disobedience of many of my chosen souls increases around the world; in Europe, many of my houses today are museums and others are being sold or are used as crypts, with ossuaries to keep the ashes, or are places to render cult to other gods. When the hour of the crisis of my Church has come, only my continent of hope will stand firm and it will be on this American soil where I will raise my new Church.

Oh, how much it grieves me that in many of my houses the shepherds have delegated to my children in the laity the ministry of the Eucharist. The priest sits down and it is the laity who distributes my Body and Blood to my sheep, rendering profane my Divinity. What sorrow for me to behold all this, the manner in which I am held in contempt by my chosen souls and the form in which I am outraged by being handled by hands lacking the sacerdotal anointing! Oh, shepherds of my Church, why do you scourge me, permitting this outrage against my Divinity!? Do you not realize that this abomination can bring damnation upon you and upon my children in the laity?

Millions of souls of priests and laity have been lost for having offended my Body and Blood! As many others lie in the depths of purgatory for having received me unworthily or in the hand. I tell you, if you do not repair for this outrage here on earth, you will lament tomorrow when you arrive in eternity.

Listen to me, my people, my flock: The sacerdotal anointing is the grace that my Holy Spirit grants my chosen souls that they may be invested with my Divinity. If you knew the grandeur of what it is to be a priest; I myself need the sacerdotal anointing so that I can be life in your midst.

The anointed hands of a priest are my hands that give to eat of my Body and to drink of my Blood to my flock. Listen to me: I have not instituted extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist; this does not come from me.

This is the work of my adversary who through the freemasonry that has invaded the Church seeks to sabotage the foundation of my Church and thus put an end to priestly ministry.

Many are the graces that are lost when communion is received in the hand or is received from the hands of a layman. It is not the same as if received from a priest. To my children in the laity I again say this, that it belongs to my priests to whom I have delegated this ministry; do not continue to outrage my Divinity so that you may not make yourselves culpable before me; do not scourge me anymore, touching me or distributing me, because you are not worthy of this ministry.

I ask my Vicar and the Heads of my Church and my Priests, cease and desist now this vile outrage. No more extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist! You yourselves exercise the ministry which I have conferred upon you, and do not delegate anymore this ministry to my children in the laity, because you are the shepherds of my flock, those directly responsible for this violation of my Divinity.

My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and be converted because the Reign of God is near.

I am the Bread of Life, Jesus Eucharistic.

Make my messages known to all humanity.

Source: ➥
