Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Very Urgent Call from God the Father to All Humanity.

My People, Pray in Chain Throughout the Whole World for the Destruction of the Plans Outlined by Men of Science of This World Who Believe They Are Gods


My peace be with you, my people.

The misuses of technology will be a scourge to humanity. Men of science of this recent times believe they are gods, the experiments in Earth's core will bring disastrous consequences to my creation. The particle accelerator created by mankind will shift the tectonic plates and this will trigger great earthquakes and tsunamis that will wipe population and coastal cities.

Great and deep vortexes will open in different places caused by the vacuum that this device will produce in the interior of my earth. The great drill created by men will shift the earth axis and will further shorten the time; the planetary rotation will be affected as everything in the universe is synchronized and kept in harmony and balance.

Don't touch my creation men of science, because you don't know anything of the knowledge and wisdom of your creator! Your foolishness and arrogance will destabilize the core of my earth, breaking the interplanetary balance that runs your galaxy by weakening the gravitational field. I tell you that you will awaken the fury of my creation! The laws that rule the universe come from God's wisdom; don't be foolish and mad wanting to pretend to be gods! Respect my creation and the lives of all my creatures! Who do you think you are to manipulate what I created with so much love? Like the builders of the Babel tower so will your punishment be.

Your particle accelerator as you call it, will weaken my earth's core and that will bring grave consequences to my children and my creation. I urgently call upon my loyal children here on Earth to make a full day of prayer, fasting and penance worldwide, asking your Heavenly Father to stop the experiments in earth's core. Remember my people that I respect your free will and I conduct everything according to your prayers and begging.

My People, pray in chain worldwide that the plans of earth's men of science who believe they are gods be destroyed. Hasten my call my people because creation is at risk of being destroyed at the hand of those who proclaim they are wise, because in reality all they are is just instruments at evil's service. I ask you then that before this experiment in my earth's core takes place that you congregate in prayer as Joshua did with his people to call on the Lord, and He listened and the sound of trumpets and cheering of God's people He knocked down the walls at Jericho (Joshua 6,20). You do the same so that you will see, my people, the fortified walls of the evil ones fall to the ground.

Remain in peace, my heirs, my people

Your Father Yahweh, Lord of creation

Make my messages known to all humanity.

Source: ➥
