Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, October 12, 2015

Call from Sacramental Jesus to the People of Antioquia (Colombia, S.a.)

Land of My Delight, Land of Hope Where Milk and Honey Flow. Where Many Will Find Refuge and Protection in the Days on Anguish That Are Approaching


My peace be with you my children.

Oh my beloved land of Antioquia. How much have I suffered for you and also how much have I rejoiced with the love and fervor of the majority of your children who seek me with sincere heart. Land of my delight, land of hope where milk and honey flow. Where many will find refuge and protection in the days on anguish that are approaching.

My children, this land has my blessing and will be spiritual fortress for the whole world. I tell you, where sin is abundant also grace blossoms. Is in this land where the Holy Rosary to my Mother is prayed the most and people assist in mass with fervor to my Holy Sacrifice all the days of the week. This land is also nursery of priesthood and religious vocations, and true spiritual warriors who are beacons in the darkness of this world that lays in murk.

The one that has been criticized, called out and discriminated by humanity is today my beloved where I have placed my blessing and spread my graces. In Antioch my disciples where called Christians for the first time. From Antioquia will come the light and evangelizing force that will enlighten and return faith to humanity that lays immersed in apostasy and darkness.

Come my children to this land blessed by me, land of plenty and great human quality, where you will not be aliens but bothers and sisters. I have chosen her among many nations to be refuge and spiritual fortress for my children. I love this land of Antioquia inhabited by humble and hard working people of simple hearts. Where my Father is worshiped and my Mother venerated. Where my sanctuaries are not alone and I am blessed and worshiped day and night. Land where I am loved and my Mother is loved.

Rejoice my children as I have laid my eyes on your land and I have selected her so that from her will come the light of hope and faith will be reborn in the hearts of this humanity that has distanced from God.

Y peace I leave you my peace I give to you. Repent and convert as the kingdom of God is at hand.

With love, you Master, Sacramental Jesus

Make my message known to the whole world.

Source: ➥
