Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Urgent Call from Mary the Mystical Rose to God's Children.

Pray My Little Children That the War That is About to Start Won't Last a Long Time As Millions of Humans Will Die!


My little children, May the Lord's peace be with you.

At any moment war will start, Mankind's peace will end. The wick that will start the war has been lit. The only thing missing is a miscalculation or misinterpretation for the war to start. The weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the nations at war have the capacity to destroy life and creation.

The war is inevitable and is not my Father's will. It is mankind with it's pride, thirst for power and expansionism that will cause this disaster and pain. Pray my little children that the war that is about to start won't last a long time as millions of humans will die! The weapons of the nations in conflict has so much destructive power that if used will destroy earth in fractions of minutes.

That is why I ask you my little children to pray and beg God to have mercy on humanity as times are near when there will only be pain, crying, death and desolation. All the nations will be involved, directly or indirectly in the global conflict. There will be shortages and famine in many nations. The chemical and radioactive pollution will spread through the air affecting all continents. The population in the nations in conflict will be decimated and mankind will be more scarce than Ophir gold.

The war will be used to fumigate with deadly chemicals and poisonous gases the airspace of many nations. The silent death will decimate the world's population affecting especially children and elders. There is a confabulation of world leaders to reduce the world's population. Extermination campaigns will be conducted with vaccines contaminated with viruses and bacteria that will be distributed to the general population by the governments of different nations. The entire plan to exterminate the world's population has been prepared by the king of this world. Becoming ill during the days of tribulation is risking ones life.

Be very careful my little children with mass vaccination campaigns during those days as they are intended to reduce the world's population. Use my natural and supernatural remedies that I have given you through our instrument Mary Jane Even so that you may survive in the days of anguish that are approaching. Trust and pray and I assure you nothing will happen to you. My Father will send his angels to protect you in all your journeys as he has given his angels orders about you to guard you wherever you go; they will carry you in their arms in case you trip over a stone (Psalm 91, 11-12). Remain united in faith and both our Hearts, follow the instructions given to you through the prophets of these times so that you may come out victorious on each of the tests that are upcoming.

May the peace of God accompany you my little children and my maternal protection be always in you.

With love your Mother, Mary the Mystical Rose

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