Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, October 26, 2015

Call from Sacramental Jesus to Humanity.

My Children, Today My Sixth and Ninth Commandments Are Broken and Trampled on by the Immense Majority of Humanity!


My children, peace be with you.

Faith is diminishing. In many countries my house are being closed or are being used to celebrate other types of cults. Many have been converted into museums where only tourists visit. The deconsecration of my houses continues to increase. My Sanctuaries are empty and there is no more respect in my enclosures. How sad I am to see the spiritual coldness of the great majority of humanity in recent times! They only seek to satisfy their ego, letting themselves be guided by a consume-based society where they exchange God for the pleasures of the flesh and material things. This is how my Word is filled: But understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days. People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3. 1,5).

Oh worldly women. My adversary is using you as lab mice! Your lust and indulgence is driving many to perdition, including many of my elect. Your indecent fashion, your sensuality and animalistic instincts are an aggression against God's Love. You no longer respect married men nor do you respect their families. You have become instruments of sin at the service of my adversary. Many families are being destroyed by your ruthlessness. Untamed fillies, you are trampling the Sacrament of Matrimony, ripping what I joined with my blessing. I assure you that the bowels of hell will be your eternal dwelling.

My children, it hurts and saddens me to see my young ones lost in drug addiction and prostitution, and to see that their parents don't do anything to remedy this painful situation. Oh mute guardians, your silence will condemn you. I gave you a family to educate with moral and spiritual foundations, but the worries and shallowness of this world are distancing you from what is more valuable than money, your family! Parents, reconsider, again I ask you, be shepherds and not wolves to the flock that I have given you to care for.

My children, Today my sixth and ninth commandments are broken and trampled on by the immense majority of humanity. The great majority of couples are having sexual relationships before marriage and there is not a voice raised to tell them that it is wrong and is a sin that offends God. My youth are fornicating and prostituting themselves at an early age. It is very sad to see how they come to my Holy Sacrifice on weekends as if it was not a sin and unworthily receive my Body and Blood. How it sadden is my heart to see all the moral, spiritual and social degradation in which humanity has immersed itself.

My pain and my Calvary are revived and my head is pierced by the thorns of impure sexual sins. My body is scourged by lust, adultery, fornication and sodomy of this ungrateful and sinful humanity. And what to say about the sins of impurity of many of my elect which are like spears again piercing my side. The cross I am carrying these days is much heavier that the one I carried on the way to Calvary. Its weight skins my flesh and the pain is more intense to see that this humanity refuses to follow me and remains in sin. My Father, forgive them and have mercy on this humanity that forgot how to love!

Parents, listen to me! Open your ears and pay attention because your children are being lost and your homes are adrift. Retake control of your homes, be more attentive with your families, listen and guide your children, reprove with love. Take time out of your time and sit again at the table. Have a dialogue with your children and more than parents be friends with them. What your children need the most is love, respect, dialogue and understanding. And above all what you and your families and you need is to return to God's love.

My peace I give you, my peace I leave to you. Repent and convert as the kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Master, Sacramental Jesus.

Make my message known to the whole world

Source: ➥
