Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Urgent Appeal from Saint Michael and the Heavenly Host to the Army Militant.

Be Ready and Prepared, Earthly Militia, Because the Days of the Great Spiritual Battle Are Coming!


May the peace of the Most High be with all you men of good will

My brothers, remain united in prayer. Put into practice the precepts of My Father and help one another, so that when you come before the Heavenly Court, you may be blameless and able to see the glory of God.

Be ready and prepared, earthly militia, because the days of the great spiritual battle are approaching. Let your spiritual weapons be oiled with prayer and your armor ready for battle. Through our brother Enoch, we will be giving instructions for spiritual combat in those days; so, be attentive to our messages so that you put into practice all that we tell you.

Brothers, in the days of the great spiritual battle I will be closer to you and many of you, through the grace of God, are going to be able to see me. Remember that after

the Warning you no longer will be the same; you are going to be spiritual beings endowed with the gifts and charisms necessary to combat the forces of evil.

Brothers, do you want my protection? Pray my prayer of combat every day; do my rosary and the chaplet to my brothers the Archangels and Angels of the Kingdom of my Father. Your armor must be set, each of you who enter into spiritual warfare, and you must call me with my battle cry: Who is like God, no one is like God (3 times) and do my exorcism given to Pope Leo XIII. I promise you that if you do as I'm telling you, no evil force will be able to harm you.

Do not be afraid doing my exorcism. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by my adversary, because that's what he wants, that you fear him so that you can not fight him. Remember that you must be in the state of grace to do my exorcism and be prepared as good soldiers going into battle. Before going into battle, do not forget to seal it all with the Blood of the Lamb, so that demons can not rob you of prayer.

I need warriors qualified in spiritual warfare to fight together with Me and the Heavenly Armies, the forces of evil. Brothers, my Father awards the greatest battles only to his best warriors. The rest of the Earthly militia will support us with their prayers in those days. We will be under the command of Our Lady and Queen, all united we will be the glorious and invincible army of good that will expel from the face of the earth, by the grace of God, Satan and his demons.

Prepare yourselves, warriors of the Most High, because the day of the great Armageddon is approaching. Read the Holy Word of God, nourish yourselves every day on the Body and Blood of the Divine Lamb; practice justice, clothe youselves with Spiritual armor morning and night; fast and do penance and remain in constant prayer so that when you arrive in eternity my Father will choose you as qualified soldiers and you may be able, upon returning to this world, to be an active part of the glorious army of God.

Consecrate yourselves to me and to my brothers, the Archangels and Angels, and consecrate your families to us so that you have our protection. All our faithful devotees can count on my intercession and the intercession of the Archangels and the Angels of the Kingdom of My Father, in this world and in eternity. My Father, who is love, never ignores the pleas that we make for our devotees and always gives the grace of salvation to all those souls for whom we intercede. So, be prepared, my brothers, because the Warning of my Father is coming.

Give glory to the Most High, for his mercy is eternal. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to God, glory to God, Glory to God. Peace to men of good will.

We are your brothers, Michael and the Archangels and the Angels of the Heavenly Host. Make known our messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
