Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Urgent Appeal of Mary the Helper to the People of God.

Be Very Careful of Vaccines to Control Viruses and Epidemics, Especially the Flu, Because Through This, They Are Looking to Decrease a Great Part of the World Population!


Little children of my Heart, may the peace of my Lord be with you and my Maternal Mantle always keep you covered.

Little ones, be careful of the vaccines that are going to be distributed by the organizations and foundations in the service of the Elites of the Illuminati, because these vaccines are lethal and aim at reducing much of the world population. The laboratories that work for these entities are producing millions of these vaccines, which will be sent and distributed to the population of the developing countries and in Africa. This entire macabre plan will be carried out with complacency on the part of the governments of these nations.

Millions of these vaccines cause instant death; others produce sicknesses, especially cancer and others produce deformities and malformations in the fetuses of pregnant women. These lethal vaccines have already been stored and are ready for distribution. There is a vaccine for every illness of the body, which will result in the death of millions of people when injected into the populations of these countries.

Be very careful about vaccines to control viruses and epidemics, especially the flu virus, because through this, they are looking to reduce much of the world population. A whole confabulation is being planned and in it will be involved: laboratories, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, clinics, health organizations serving the states, private organizations providing health services, and non-governmental organizations. At the time of the last reign of my adversary, to get sick is to run the risk of dying; To consult for some illness or disease will be to open the possibility of not again returning with one’s life. The child population and the elderly will be the main victims of this surge of deaths to be carried out by the children of darkness in the time of my adversary.

My children, I announce this to you before it happens so that you may be alert and vigilant and not be taken by surprise by anything. I say to you, do not fear; remember that Heaven will not abandon you. Keep in mind the messages of survival that we are giving you through our instruments and put into practice the message given to Mary Jane Even, where I send you natural medicine, so that you can heal yourselves in those days, without having to resort to chemical drugs that will be lethal to your life.

So, from now on, be putting these survival messages into action and get the medicinal plants that I sent you, so that you can counter tomorrow the epidemics and viruses that will come to you, many created by the wickedness of men. Store these medicinal plants in a dry place with their respective names and benefits, so that when the time arrives, you will use them for your benefit and that of your brothers.

May the peace of My Lord remain with you and my maternal protection always accompany you.

Your Mother Mary, Helper of the People of God, loves you.

Little children, make my messages known to all mankind.

Source: ➥
