Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, December 23, 2016

Appeal of Mary of Fatima to Humanity.

I Am Making an Urgent and Angushed Appeal to the Pope and My Cardinals That Russia Be Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart Before May 13Th of the Coming Year!


Little children of my heart, may the peace of my Lord be with you all.

Little children, all the prophecies that Heaven has given you are about to be fulfilled; the fulfillment of the prophecy of Fatima is drawing near, the 100th anniversary of my appearance in the Cova de Iría. I am very sad because humanity continues sinning without paying attention to my words. Russia has not been consecrated to my heart as I asked. If it remains unconsecrated, it will become a scourge for humanity.

Little children, I can not stop crying in seeing this humanity so relaxed that it continues to transgress the precepts of my Father, without taking into consideration the events that are about to unfold; events that are going to cause much of humanity to be lost. They continue in their every day lives as in the times of Noah, without paying attention to the appeals of Heaven and the misfortune that will arrive suddenly and they will not be able to be saved.

If Russia is not consecrated to My Immaculate Heart this coming year, I assure you that you will regret it and that Heaven will not stop the scourge of communism that is spreading like a plague throughout the world. Communism is atheism and seeks to subjugate the people, leading them into slavery. My adversary will use it to plague the nations. The armies of Gog and Magog are their allies and it will be they who are going to bring so much desolation and death to humanity.

I am making an urgent and anguished appeal to the Pope and my cardinals so that Russia be consecrated to my immaculate heart before May 13th of the coming year. Pay attention to my appeal and do not delay the consecration of this nation to my Immaculate Heart any longer; not to do so will result in mankind suffering intensely from the domination and enslavement that this nation and its allies will exert. The communist flag will make blood flow and many nations will lose their identity and become slaves to an authoritarian regime, that will impose its laws and ideologies upon them, making blood run. The red dragon of communism and atheism is about to rise; if Russia is not consecrated, it will bring pain, death, desolation and slavery to humanity and to My Father’s Creation.

Little children, help me with your prayers, fasting and penances, to ask that the scourge of atheistic communism not continue to spread, that Russia be consecrated as soon as possible to my Immaculate Heart. May all my faithful children ask for this intention in the Holy Rosary; that my Army Militant unite in prayer, fasting and penance, praying with me and asking the Father to stop this scourge on humanity. Remember that the power of my rosary has won great battles, so pray with me that we stop the red dragon; pray that the Vicar of my Son consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, following the instructions I gave you through my little shepherds; because Heaven did not accept the consecration that was made, since it was not made as I had indicated. The Pope must travel to Russia in the company of several cardinals and do the consecration of that nation there; only then can the punishment be stopped that this nation will inflict on humanity. I am counting on your prayers, my little ones, that every rosary you make be asking for this need. Rend your hearts because the Triumphal return of my Son is drawing near.

I am your Mother, Mary of Fatima.

Make known my children, my messages to all mankind

Source: ➥
