Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Urgent Appeal of God Father to Humanity.

Power of Continuous Prayer ​​ Will Give You Great Victories over the Forces of Evil!


My peace be with you all, men of goodwill.

The days of purification are coming, when prayer, fasting and penance must be part of your spiritual armor. The days of spiritual combat have begun in this year, so you must be united in faith, prayer and fulfillment of my precepts if you want to be victorious. Prayer, fasting and penance are spiritual strongholds that will protect you from the attacks of the enemy of your soul.

My people, My creation has now entered its last and harshest phase of purification in which all my creatures are included. Your spiritual transformation is about to begin; only the victors will obtain the crown of life. The vast majority of mankind that is walking in sin, very soon will feel in body and soul what it is to be without the Spirit of Life. I tell you again that millions of human beings are going to be lost if they do not wake up at the Warning. Be prepared spiritually for this imminent event; hurry to put your accounts in order and, most importantly, to forgive one another so that when My Son knocks at the door of your soul, you will be blameless and able to see the Glory of God.

Do not forget: My people, pray without ceasing because continuous prayer will give you great victories over the forces of evil. May My people be prepared and ready because everything is about to break loose. As Father of mankind, I will wait until the last second of mercy is exhausted because I do not want the death of the sinner, nor do I take pleasure in his suffering. This purification is necessary so that Law and Order will once again be restored, because for mankind to continue as it is going jeopardizes the existence of My people. Your lack of love and sin make My Justice work on behalf of My creation, and you all know that this is right and inevitable; each will be given according to his works.

Never beforehand as Father of mankind had I seen so much wickedness and sin in My creation. It pains and saddens me to see the moral, social and spiritual degradation to which this end times humanity has arrived; Sin, evil and the animal instincts of this humanity hold in danger the harmony and balance that govern creation. Remember that you are spiritual beings in a spiritual universe and that everything is synchronized in love and created in love. Man with his sin is destroying this balance of love. If I do not intervene as Father, My creation will disappear.

The spiritual balance that moves My creation is in danger; the sin of man in these end times has caused the universe to fall our of synchronization; This discordance will bring dire consequences for humanity. My Justice will make everything in the universe fit together again. My spiritual adjustment will give rise to a New Creation, that only spiritual beings can inhabit. Prepare yourselves, My people, for the groanings are about to begin; do not panic, know that all this is necessary for the old sinful man to die and a new, totally spiritual man to be reborn for the joy and delight of your Father. My New Creation waits for My faithful people. Rejoice because you will soon reside in New Heavens and a New Earth. The Glory of God is awaiting you.

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation.

I want this message to reach all the ends of the earth, without exception, for all creeds, races, and religions.

Source: ➥
