Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Urgent Appeal of Mary Rosa Mystica.

Children, a Lot of Pain is Approaching and the Vast Majority of Humanity is Still Lethargic!


May the peace of my Lord be with you all, my beloved children.

Little children, soon humanity will begin to feel the rigor of Divine Justice. Heaven together with me is interceding for humanity, so that these days of purification that are approaching will be bearable for you and that none of the Sons of God be lost. So, my little ones, be prepared and ready, because all the prophecies that we have sent you through all our instruments at different times are about to be fulfilled. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of God will never pass away; The Word of God is the Way, the Truth and the Life, which is applicable in all instances of human events.

Oh, how many nations are going to disappear for not having wanted to avail themselves of the mercy of God and for having ignored the appeals of Heaven! I am calling upon you, ungodly nations; return to God before His Holy Justice is discharged upon you. Stop sinning and transgressing the Divine laws; return to the path of salvation, because the days of your trial are coming and if you remain separated from God, His Holy Mercy will disappear for you from the face of the earth!

Oh, you nations that have turned your backs on the God of Life, defiling His precepts and establishing laws that go against nature; I tell you: your days are numbered, weighty and measured! My Father's creation cries out for justice for all your outrages and mistreatment; Very soon all its elements will be reversed against you impious nations and there will not be a stone left on a stone, nor any memory of you. The fury of the sea will scourge and wash away many nations that have rebelled against God. The groaning of the Earth will open it in many places, allowing its entrails to be seen. Cities and towns will succumb to the fury of Nature.

I am calling upon my Marian Army to pray together and to ask our Heavenly Father for those nations where sin and evil have increased. Little children, a lot of pain is coming and the vast majority of humanity is still lethargic. The days of Divine Justice are about to begin and will catch many sinning and sinning. Poor creatures, when they awaken it will be too late for them!

I am making an urgent appeal to the inhabitants of the nation with the single star; stop sinning and return to God! Abolish the laws that favor abortion, gender ideology and same-sex marriage, because this is abominable in the eyes of my Father and what is going to happen is that His Holy Justice will discharge against your nation. Little children, your nation is in danger of disappearing because you have turned your back on the God of Life. Oh, my Chilean nation, wake up; because to continue as you are going, weeping and mourning will take over your children!

America, continent of hope, it is time for you to gather yourselves in prayer, fasting and penance, because judgment is coming to the nations! Remember that out of your land will come the seed of freedom that will spread throughout the world. The light that will guide the destiny of many nations and pave the way for the triumphant return of my Son. Blessed land that my Father has chosen as his inheritance. Awaken, therefore, inhabitants of America and light the flame of Love, Faith and Hope, to illuminate the spiritual darkness in which the vast majority of nations lie!

May the peace of my Lord flood the heart of America Your Mother, Mary Rosa Mystica Make known my messages to all mankind

Source: ➥
