Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, August 21, 2017

Urgent call from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His flock.

Humanity has begun to divide spiritually.


Peace to you, sheep of My flock.

Days are coming of heavy attacks on my sheep, on the part of the flock of wolves that serve the master of darkness.

Both My Name and My Mother's one are going to be trampled and all those who are from My flock, will suffer mockery, contempt and mistreatment.

Families are going to be divided, the spirit of division is going to enter the families and where (people) do not pray, the faith of some will roll on the ground.

My adversary with his spirits of division will attack the families those whose faith is weak and will put them against those who are Mine.

My flock, do not enter into disputes or sterile discussions with your family members separated from me, because this will only lead to make them be lost more and more.

Pray for them and seal them with the power of My Glorious blood, so that they may be freed, be awake from your lethargy, and you may know the truth.

My flock, conspiracy theories charged with deceit, hatred and blasphemy, against Me, and My Mother, will be spread around the world. My Divinity and My Mother's Virginity will be put into question by the children of darkness.

Many lukewarm from the heart because of these attacks will be lost; And the saddest thing for Me is to know that many who claim to be my relatives will also doubt.

My Father, do not allow those you have chosen, to be lost; Hold them in faith, show them the truth that comes from You, so they can walk through this world being sure and testify of your truth! Thank you Father, because You always listen to Me and glorify your Son.

Sheep of my flock, humanity has begun to divide spiritually; by its fruits, you will know who is of my flock and who is of the flock of my adversary.

Be very careful because the wolves are loose and their camouflage makes them look like sheep; they are in the midst of my flock, sharing with my sheep, but looking for ways to disperse them in order to make them be lost.

They speak of me, with sweet words to gain the confidence of my sheep and to make them believe them, and then infiltrate my flock. Watch out sheep of my flock, because in the measure that they gain your trust, they will be planning how to make you lose (your soul)!

Flock of mine, I remind you that my adversary is close to be known and all those who follow him are aiming at seeking the fall of My flock. Try the spirits and do not open your heart to anyone, be very cautious; Be ready to listen and be slow to speak (James 1, 19).

Form small prayer cells in your homes and do not walk by knocking door by door in search of the enlightened ones; for in truth I say unto you: many shall come in my name by saying: I am the Messiah, and they will deceive many (Matthew 24, 5).

Not everyone who says: Lord, Lord, comes from Me, but the one who does the will of my Father.

I announce in advance to you what is about to come, so that when it shows up you do not fall into deception and say that I had it not announced.

Be thus meek and humble like doves and cunning like serpents (Matthew 10,16).

May the children of darkness not be smarter than the children of light!

My peace I leave you, My peace I give you.

Repent and convert yourselves, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd

Let my messages be known to all mankind, sheep of My flock.

Source: ➥
