Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Urgent appeal from God the Father to His beloved Mexican Nation.

Urgent appeal from God the Father to His Mexican Nation.


My peace be with you, My beloved People of Mexico.

I am your Father Yahweh, Lord of the Nations and I come to you My beloved people of Mexico, through My messenger (Enoc).

I ask you to pay attention to the words contained in this message, and to put them into practice, because of the continuing of sin, wickedness, of the low instincts, of the approval of the execrable crime of abortion, of religious syncretism, and of laws approving marriages between same-sex couples; with great sorrow I have to tell you that if this continues and you do not repent from the heart, the elements of my creation will continue to scourge your nation, until My Justice reestablishes the order and the right in your land.

My People, these sins are an affront toward your Father, and it is for them that your nation is suffering today. I correct the ones I love and you know that I have engraved your nation in the palm of My hand. I have been calling you insistently through my prophets to be converted, but you have ignored My appeals.

Today you lament for the desolation in which your nation is and many of you blame Me for your misfortunes. It is not I, the culprit of your sorrow; it is your sin and your breaking of My Precepts, the cause of your tragedy.

Beloved people of Mexico make your path straight and follow the example of the city of Nineveh, which converted because of the preaching of Jonah.

Do the same to yourselves, move away from sin and wickedness; Do prayer, fasting, and penance in your nation; rulers, proclaim three days of mourning for all the victims and the injured ones.

May all My Mexican nation during these 3 days, pray, fast and do penance; and the most important thing is to be committed not to break any more of My Precepts; that all of the laws approving abortion and those going against nature are to be repealed forever.

I am your Father, your God, the One and Triune and only to Me, you must give worship and adoration.

May all of the idolatry, of the sorcery and the religious syncretism, be abolished from your nation.

Only to Me, you must give adoration, for there are no other gods but Me.

If you commit from your heart to change and to fulfill My precepts, I assure you that I will stop the passage of my Justice upon your nation. Remember, I do not rejoice about your sorrow or about the death of the sinner. I am more of a Father than of a Judge, and as a Father, My wish is that you turn to me, with contrite and humiliated hearts.

I am love, forgiveness and mercy, but I am also a Just Judge. I just work with My Justice, when sin has taken root in the hearts of men, causing My precepts to break and to endanger My creation. And this is what is happening at the current time in your nation.

Convert yourselves from your heart, inhabitants of My beloved Mexican nation; abandon your path of sin and return to me, that I am your Father, with contrite and humiliated hearts. Only then will I stop the passage of My Justice upon your nation. I do not want to see you suffering or I want to watch your nation being destroyed, because you know that I love you creatures.

Therefore, welcome the appeal I am giving you, because I urgently need the conversion of your nation, so that I may carry out with Colombia and the other chosen nations that I will soon purify my plan of salvation for these end times.

Awaken from your slumber My chosen nations; receive My Mercy; listen to My appeals to conversion, in order to be My Mercy and not My justice, the One that makes strait your path.

I am making an appeal to you, inhabitants of My beloved Mexico, if you persist in your sin, your nation will continue to mourn.

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Nations.

Let My message be known in every corner of My beloved Mexican nation.

Source: ➥
