Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Urgent Call of Mary Mystical Rose to the people of God.

The luciferian technology of the Great Brother is about to begin.


Little ones, the peace of my Lord be with you and My Maternal protection, always accompany you.

Little children, do not allow any type of chips to be placed on you; I am telling you this because microchips are being implanted in the population of several countries with the excuse of providing security to people.

Millions of chips are being manufactured with a new technology called: nanotechnology that consists in reducing atoms and molecules to manufacture products on a micro-scale.

This technology will be at the service of my adversary at the time of his last reign.

Little ones, nanotechnology is being used in all activities of human work, such as medicine, industry, energy, electronics, environment, computer science, agriculture and space exploration.

This technology in the time of my adversary will control humanity.

All of the electronic devices and appliances that are about to appear on the market, will be manufactured with this new technology that would subjugate and enslave humanity more and more.

Little children, the new technology comes with an artificial intelligence, which will make man divinize himself and separate more and more from the Creator.

The eye of Satan that sees everything, will be in this new technology; humanity will lose his privacy, everything will be seen, heard and processed in a data center, where humanity is classified, codified and the human being will cease turn into a barcode with an assigned number.

Little children, the luciferian technology of the Great Brother is about to begin. Be careful with this technology little children, for no reason go to buy it, because it serves My adversary and it has as purpose to subjugate and enslave humanity.

Little children, through the new cell phones that are going to come out with this technology, my adversary will dominate most of humanity.

Nanotechnology inside electronic devices will be charged with low and high frequency waves that are used to affect brainwaves.

The central nervous system will be uncontrollable and the will of the people using this technology will be affected.

During the time of my adversary, this will dominate one's mind and it will take possession of the soul of those who use all this new technology.

Little children, see that I am warning you in advance so that you do not fall into this trap, remember that my adversary is going to use all the means to make the greatest number of souls be lost.

Be very careful my little ones, investigate, and check everything, do not run like lambs to the slaughterhouse; do not experiment anything, because there, there can be the deceit that will cost you of your life.

Remember that you are going to be like sheep in the midst of wolves; ask a lot for the discernment of the Holy Spirit of God before taking any decision; it may not be that, for lack of knowledge, what could be lost is the soul.

Again I say: do not let go of My Rosary, because it is the most powerful spiritual weapon that Heaven has given you, so that you can demolish all the arguments and all the pride that rise against the knowledge of God.

Open your hearts little children, for the triumphant return of My Son is near.

Your Mother loves you, Mary Mystic Rose

Let My messages be known to all humanity, little children of My Heart.

Source: ➥
